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  • From Trump’s “assassination” to Biden’s disappearing act…it’s all theatre July 24, 2024
    Remakes and sequels have almost killed Hollywood movie making, turning every film into a collection of meta references and nostalgia bait…‘hey remember when this happened in that other movie! That was cool right!’  Now, it seems,  they’re trying the same tactics in politics. That’s what we’ve got in the Trump “assassination attempt” –  a remake […]
  • Amazon Gets Fresh, Bayer Loves Basmati: Toxic Influences in Indian Agriculture July 24, 2024
    The citizens of India have a problem. In what the media like to call ‘the world’s biggest democracy’, there is a serious, proven conflict of interest among officials in the areas of science, agriculture and agricultural research that results in privileging the needs of powerful private interests ahead of farmers and ordinary people. This has […]
  • The People’s Court of New Normal Germany July 23, 2024
    Just when I thought things could not possibly get more shockingly totalitarian in New Normal Germany, where I’m being prosecuted in criminal court (for the second time) for tweeting, the German authorities have gone and surprised me again. No, they haven’t established an actual Nazi-style People’s Court (pictured above) yet, and, of course, there is […]
  • A Time of Shame and Sorrow: When It Comes to Political Violence, We All Lose July 22, 2024
    “Whenever any American’s life is taken by another American unnecessarily—whether it is done in the name of the law or in the defiance of law, by one man or a gang, in cold blood or in passion, in an attack of violence or in response to violence—whenever we tear at the fabric of life which […]
  • Caged in Oligarchic Contradictions July 21, 2024
    A contronym is a word having two definitions that contradict each other.  Two examples are the word bolt, which can mean to lock with a bolt and to flee, and clip, which means to attach and to detach. There are many such words and there is also a system of thought based on them.  It […]


  • Plateau du Vercors July 8, 2024
      Original Post July 8, 2014 Aciculate peaks and curvilinear ridges outline giant circular depressions in the French Alps. As previously written, stone monoliths can be found all over the world. There are colossal formations that make up the French Alps, for instance. In particular, Mont Aiguille (Needle Mountain) is similar to the structures... Continue reading
  • Michael Clarage: Our Universe – It’s Electric | EU2013 July 6, 2024
    In his EU2013 Conference talk, Astrophysicist Michael Clarage, PhD, describes how for the last 200 years the word cosmology expressed stars, galaxies, and enormous, lonely reaches of space—a vast expanse of cosmic islands where humans have no meaningful place./p> However, Michael sees cosmology as a way of thinking about the... Continue reading
  • Burning Questions July 3, 2024
      Original Post July 3, 2014 If folk memory is anything to go by, global warming in its most dreaded form is a thing of the past. The universality of flood myths is widely known, but fewer people are aware that traditions of unbearable heat, often leading to a devastating Weltbrand,... Continue reading
  • Matt Finn: Speed Dating with Fossils | Thunderbolts June 29, 2024
    In Antarctica there’s a petrified forest where today nothing bigger than bacteria grows. They look like Christmas trees that grew thick and tall—a thousand per acre, up to eighty feet—dating back to late Permian Period some 260 million years ago. From the catastrophist’s viewpoint, this raises many questions. How accurate... Continue reading
  • The Worldwide Web—A Common Thread June 26, 2024
      Original Post June 26, 2014 Shell gorgets were found in mounds of the prehistoric Mississippian culture, often still reposing on the chest of the wearer. The spider is a recurrent theme on gorgets in mounds in Illinois, Missouri and Tennessee. The early anthropologist William Henry Holmes (1846-1933) observed that the... Continue reading


  • The Prosecutor vs. the Felon July 25, 2024
    Guest Post by Ann Coulter I see that Democrats are going with the image of Kamala Harris as a bad-ass prosecutor. Hey, wait! Maybe now they’ll finally have an opportunity to mention that Donald Trump is a CONVICTED FELON. Did you know he was found guilty of THIRTY-FOUR FELONIES by a jury? (I’m not sure […]
  • The Debate Over Whether to Crush Our Enemies or Be Nice July 25, 2024
    Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter Some ghastly woman who was a clerk at a Home Depot decided to go online and cheer the attempted murder of Donald Trump, that is until conservative social media influencers exposed her to her bosses, and they kicked her malignant carcass to the curb. This cancellation counterstrike – and the […]
  • HARRIS/OBAMA 2024? July 25, 2024
    How feasible is a Harris/Obama 2024 ticket? Constitutional attorney & scholar Dr. John Eastman addresses the “wild” theory that former President Obama could be a Harris running mate. Eastman breaks down exactly what the language in the Constitution allows for. — The Absolute Truth with @EmeraldRobinson (@AbsoluteWithE) July 24, 2024
  • Is Civil War 2.0 coming to the USA? July 25, 2024
    Guest Post by Alex Krainer Just over a week ago today, the most powerful man in the world, US President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID (Covid-19 according to CNN and just Covid according to most other outlets). Who knew that they were still testing the President for the virus that allegedly produced a pandemic five years ago? But how […]
  • COVID MAKES YOU GROW July 25, 2024
    I took a snapshot of Joe & Jill Biden walking out as this is the best comparison side by side • Joe Biden is said to be 6’ 0”• Jill Biden is said to be 5’ 6”• Jill Biden is wearing at least 2-3”Heels• Jill looks to be as tall as Joes Chin—— the average […]



  • Illinois' Out-Migration Losses: Measuring The Destructive Impact On The State's Tax Base July 25, 2024
    Illinois' Out-Migration Losses: Measuring The Destructive Impact On The State's Tax Base Authored by Ted Dabrowski and John Klingner via, One of the most damaging impacts of Illinois’ people loss to other states is the destruction of Illinois’ tax base. When people leave in a given year, they take their incomes (adjusted gross incomes, […]
  • Supreme Court Decisions Have Restored Balance Between Public And Private Interests July 25, 2024
    Supreme Court Decisions Have Restored Balance Between Public And Private Interests Authored by Richard Trzupek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A group of recent rulings by the Supreme Court have led some to speculate that SCOTUS has opened the path to anarchy within the justice system, particularly in those cases that involve environmental regulation. […]
  • Kamala Harris Receives Bipartisan Condemnation For Her Handling Of The Border July 25, 2024
    Kamala Harris Receives Bipartisan Condemnation For Her Handling Of The Border Authored by Matt Margolis via PJ Media, In a stunning move on Thursday, the House of Representatives strongly condemned "the Biden Administration and its Border Czar, Kamala Harris’s, failure to secure the United States border" in a bipartisan vote. AP Photo/Patrick Semansky All Republicans […]
  • Coup Upon Coup Upon Coup July 25, 2024
    Coup Upon Coup Upon Coup Authored by Victor Davis Hanson via American Greatness, In March 2020, all the major Democratic primary candidates abruptly, mysteriously, and in near unison withdrew from the presidential race, ceding the nomination to Joe Biden. Yet Biden had lost the first three races in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada—and only won his […]
  • Mega-Cap Meltdown Continues As 'Good News' Sends Rate-Cut Hopes Reeling July 25, 2024
    Mega-Cap Meltdown Continues As 'Good News' Sends Rate-Cut Hopes Reeling KC Fed survey joined yesterday's Regional Fed surveys in the doldrums (as did today's plunge in durable goods orders) but of course, all eyes were sternly focused on Q2 GDP's beat. That 'good news' sparked a hawkish shift lower in rate-cut expectations... Source: Bloomberg The […]






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