We shall say “Our space has the physical property of transmitting waves” and so omit the use of the word [æther] we have decided to avoid.
— Albert Einstein, Evolution of Physics, 1938One cannot escape the feeling that [James Clerk Maxwell’s] mathematical formulas have an independent existence and an intelligence of their own, that they are wiser than we are, wiser even than their discoverers in that we get more out of them than was originally put into them.
— Heinrich Hertz (1857–1893)There are five elements, four of which are held in the matrix of the fifth which is unaffected by them, of ETHER.
— Michael Gabriel, The Holy Valley and the Holy Mountain, 1994
Imagine the Sun’s magnetic field divided from pole to pole like sections of an orange, each section oriented to its opposite section, so that when the Sun rotates, the Earth’s fields change with the Sun’s changing fields. Now imagine that everything is connected and speaking from a variety of levels to whoever is listening at that particular level—an intelligent and conversational universe waiting for us to listen and familiarize ourselves with its cipher language. The universe may indeed be Hilbert’s Space of infinite dimensions. Quantum mechanics implies an infinity of different shapes and topologies that fit together as waves, each interfering with another. Intercept the charges around the terminals of generators or batteries and you may discover endless, hidden-in-plain-sight free energy.

Æther was the primordial god (protogenos) of light and the bright, blue ether of the heavens. His mists filled the space between the solid dome of the sky (ouranos) and the transparent mists of the earth-bound air (khaos, aer). In the evening his mother Nyx drew her dark veil across the sky, obscuring the ether and bringing night. In the morn his sister and wife Hemera dispersed night’s mist to reveal the shining blue ether of day. In the ancient cosmogonies, night and day were regarded as elements separate from the Sun. – www.theoi.com
Æther was the upper air; the middle air was aer or khaos, a colorless mist enveloping the mortal world; the lower air, erebos, enveloped the dark places in the realm of the dead under the Earth. Æther’s female counterpart was Æthra, Titaness of the clear blue sky and mother of the Sun and Moon.
Here in the Pergamon Altar (second century B.C.) in Berlin, Æther battles a lion-headed Giant. (Ahriman a.k.a. geoengineering?)
The term we have needed for the untapped “free energy” potentials of pure æther energy is scalar, not electromagnetic. Æther and scalar energy have shared many epithets: prana, chi or qi, zero-point energy, tachyon energy, biophotonic energy, Rife energy, orgone, kundalini, life force, etc. Both æther (from the Greek αἰθήϱ, to light up or kindle) and scalar waves (scalar: a quantity with magnitude but not direction) have been suppressed for a century. Why? Basically, it is the same old story: the elite bend and suppress inventors and scientific genius so as to control revelations of scientific truths and inventions according to their own timetable.
Nikola Tesla’s experiments revolved around scalar waves, not EM waves, as he sought to transform electrons into vortex electrons. Faster-than-light—yes, that is right: faster than light— scalar waves are actually spiraling waves (as in wind rotation) continually branching out into recurring fractal patterns. Scalar waves “coagulate” as particles of matter (plasma) when they slow down to slower-than-light (subluminal) speeds. Once they converge with EM waves, alter the structure of EM energy. Unlike the usual side-to-side oscillating transverse waves (like on the ocean) we see in RF-zapped plasma cloud cover, scalar waves are longitudinal and more like compression waves.
Ionospheric heaters like HAARP are scalar transmitters. Cross or “interfere” two scalar beams in the stratosphere over a target area and the resultant superheating will produce a plasma “ring” over the interference zone. Pump (pulse) this “ring” with radar and storm intensification will follow, as Michael Janitch (Dutchsinse) explains.1 One scalar beam strips the electrons to form superheated plasma, the other beam pumps up and sustains the plasma. Konstantin Meyl, Ph.D.,2 professor of power electronics and alternative energy technology at the University of Applied Sciences in Furtwangen, Germany, clarifies the existence of two kinds of scalar waves and the usual electromagnetic wave:
- Electric scalar wave [longitudinal / standing] propagates at 1.5X the speed of light in the direction of the electric pointer (90°)3;
- Magnetic scalar wave [longitudinal / standing] propagates at 1.5X the speed of light in the direction of the magnetic pointer (90°); and
- Electromagnetic wave [transverse] propagates in the direction of both (zero).
Western physics posits four forces of the universe that address matter: gravitational, electromagnetic, weak and strong nuclear. What has been left out since the beginning of the twentieth century is æther, the sub-quantum field that appears as empty space but is actually the ground state of the universe.4 Like “junk” DNA—now proven to not be “junk” at all5—the “quantum vacuum” isn’t a void but a highly charged plenum whose subtle order measurably influences the spacetime motion of the entire physical universe. Like their predecessors, nineteenth-century scientists recognized that all-pervasive space was filled to overflowing with soniferous æther, the soul of the cosmos by which divine thought manifests in matter and therefore the common origin of all matter, as Michael Faraday (1791–1867) believed. Less than a century before Faraday, the polymath Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716) claimed, “There is no vacuum. . .space without matter is something imaginary.”
Æther was also viewed as extending to the subtle bodies of light that all biological creatures have (including planet Earth)—bodies vulnerable to ionized and non-ionized electromagnetic radiation. Austrian scientist Rudolf Steiner delineated four ethers (note the difference in spelling for subtle bodies) binding the physical to the psychic (ψνχή Greek for “soul” or “spirit”):
- The warmth ether, the most primordial, manifests centrifugally as heat and appears as SPHERICAL.
- The light ether, centrifugal, manifests as gas. Its primary quality is LUMINOSITY.
- The chemical/sound ether, centripetal, manifests as fluid and is DISC-FORMING.
- The life ether, centripetal, immediately precedes matter and is INDIVIDUALIZING.6
If we think of these four types of ether in terms of plasma, the fourth state of matter making up most of the matter in the universe, it seems evident that plasma and æther are one and the same but in different phases or forms of spherical, luminous, disc-forming, and individual. The fourth state of matter means just that: heat a solid sufficiently and it becomes liquid; heat a liquid and it becomes a gas; heat a gas (or subject it to a strong electromagnetic field) and it ionizes to become something no longer like ordinary gas in that it is strongly influenced by electric and magnetic fields. This is plasma, and the physics of plasma is about electrons and ions, conduction, high-voltage discharges, the mirroring ionosphere, the “dancing plasma” of the aurora borealis, our Sun, other stars . . .7
Now, plasma is being “farmed” in lower ionized atmospheres.
On Earth, a healthy biological / emotional / mental life requires a balance of all four ethers supported by vital food, air, water, and consciousness, all of which are now under assault by a blizzard of radio frequency and microwaves, ionized metals, polymers, upper-atmosphere fungi, and genetically engineered biologicals.
From the sixteenth to the early twentieth century, gravitational phenomena were modeled on the æther medium. Einstein retained the term until 1920:
We may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an æther. According to the general theory of relativity, space without æther is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense. But this æther may not be thought of as endowed with the quality characteristic of ponderable media, as consisting of parts which may be tracked through time. The idea of motion may not be applied to it.8
Somewhere between Darwinian evolutionary dogma, good-old-boy peer reviews, and powerful sub rosa occult societies, a decision was made to eliminate æther from mainstream science and replace it with space as a vacuum while scalar waves and the rest of Tesla’s work and that of Maxwell and E.T. Whittaker (1873–1956)9 were suppressed.
What happened was this: In 1873, James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879) linked electricity to magnetism and discovered three components in electromagnetic waves he called EM mass-entities (nonphysical hyperspace particles), now called evoked potentials—very fine scalar waveforms existing at right-angle rotations to electromagnetic fields. Hyperspace flux energy potentials flow unharnessed like waves in a cosmic sea of intense power in dimensions adjacent to ours, which is why they are not subject to our spacetime unless disturbed by our planetary magnetic lines of force—the same magnetic lines of force so pivotal (no pun intended) to leaching ions from the ionosphere. Thus it is that electromagnetic effects can be initiated from outside our electromagnetic spectrum. The fact is that a variety of fields and waveforms exist at right-angle (orthogonal) rotations in hyperspace outside our electromagnetic fields. Generate and manipulate these orthogonal components and they can invisibly generate electromagnetic effects to influence the Earth, human biology and consciousness.

Twenty-three-year-old undergraduate student Cleo Loi of the ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics (CAASTRO) at the University of Sydney found a way to use a radio telescope to take 3D images of these giant plasma tubes existing inside our magnetosphere and following the magnetic lines of force that Bernard Eastlund addresses in his 1987 HAARP patent. Ions from the ionosphere flow through these plasma “waveguides” and into our atmosphere and magnetic field.
Maxwell died at forty-eight of stomach cancer, after which two assaults were initiated: his field equations were edited to misrepresent scalar waves as zero (like EM waves), and æther was “disproven” by the dubious 1881 Michelson-Morley experiments. Mathematician Oliver Heaviside (1850–1925), chemist Josiah Willard Gibbs (1839–1903), and physicist Heinrich Hertz (1857–1894)10 then buried æther, along with Maxwell’s hyperspatial Quaternions (tensors) and scalar equations—the very foundations of electromagnetics and unified field theory—and replaced them with vector analysis and the insistence that gravitation and electromagnetism are mutually exclusive instead of interdependent. Instead of five dimensions—X, Y, Z, time, and gravity—mainstream twentieth-century physics was subsequently confined to four dimensions, with hyperspace superluminal signals viewed as “imaginary components.” In the 1920s, English theoretical physicist Paul Dirac (1902–1984), one of the founders of quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics, insisted that science would have to return to the ether theory, but of course no one listened, scientism being entrenched.
About the time relativity was being pushed as a truism, studies of radioactivity began showing that the empty vacuum of space had a spectroscopic structure similar to that of ordinary quantum solids and fluids. Subsequent studies with large particle accelerators clarified that space is more like a piece of window glass than Newtonian emptiness, filled with “stuff” that is normally transparent. Once it became obvious that Leibniz had been right about space, the term dark matter was proposed to explain away why galaxies contain so much more mass than can be accounted for by visible matter.11 Physics Nobel Laureate Robert B. Laughlin (1950-) thought that the æther cover-up for the sake of bolstering special relativity was “unfortunate” enough, but then to import a term like “dark matter” for æther?
It is ironic that Einstein’s most creative work, the general theory of relativity, should boil down to conceptualizing space as a medium when his original premise [in special relativity] was that no such medium existed. . .The word ‘ether’ has extremely negative connotations in theoretical physics because of its past association with opposition to relativity. This is unfortunate because, stripped of these connotations, it rather nicely captures the way most physicists actually think about the vacuum. . .Relativity actually says nothing about the existence or nonexistence of matter pervading the universe, only that any such matter must have relativistic symmetry . . .12
Only now that the atmosphere is ionized and the Space Fence infrastructure complete are Maxwell’s equations being returned to their original form. The makings of life itself—æther, plasma, and scalar waves—are being weaponized. Maxwell’s evoked potentials are being artificially manufactured and weaponized in three modes: pulse, energy extraction, and explosion. To proponents of classical electrodynamics, conductivity happens via metal wires, whereas in Maxwell physics, conductivity occurs in dielectric æther-filled hyperspace when conductors serve as waveguides for crossed scalar beams (interferometry) that suck the energy out of airspace and cause a cold explosion, or just as easily direct an invisible hot beam to instantaneously drop a target. Cold explosion preserves machines and buildings but not life forms; hot energy forces buildings, machines and bodies to explode / implode and “melt” as the nucleus of each atom disintegrates. (Shades of 9/11.)
These weapons involve beams. Two beams overlapped will couple into a particle-ion beam that will bounce off of a remote target and send a holographic image back to the satellite for remote spying operations. When you cross two strong beams, you can supposedly* create scalar energies. These energies can be used as untraceable weapons for nuclear size explosions or for defense. These crossed-energies can be used to cause a person’s physical electrical system to fail or with a lower frequency, administer a kind of remote electroshock. Visualize touching a positive and negative electric cable to each other on top of your head. Scalar energies can be utilized in hand-held military guns and on tanks. They can dud-out electronics or cause large, electrical blackouts. Scalar energies are practically impossible to shield against. You need lead, ceramics, and a deep underground facility to not be affected by these weapons. Or, you need to be up and above the field of battle.13
When interfering scalar transmitters cross beams over coordinates on the other side of the Earth, they utilize artificial evoked potentials and earth-penetrating tomography to create earthquakes at the points of interference. Natural seismic waves don’t travel through the Earth; only man-made scalar waves do. Two timed pulses are sent along two or three beams meeting over the target area, heated energy is extracted from the airspace, a cold explosion occurs, and the beams swing back to their originating transmitters with none the wiser.
Transmitters, receivers, and transceivers under the scalar HAARP system are now tuned to the scalar harmonic and transmitting at 90° angles to each other, following waveguides around and through the planet. Because scalar weapons produce gravitational waves, a worldwide network of gravitational (longitudinal) wave detectors is constantly and quietly tracking and measuring weapon capabilities—like GEO600, a ground-based interferometric gravitational wave detector near Hannover, Germany, Virgo in Italy, KAGRA in Japan, and the twin Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors in Livingston, Louisiana and Hanford, Washington (operated by CalTech and MIT).
To counter public knowledge of these scalar-produced gravitational waves, cosmic cover stories are being conjured out of the same whole cloth as “meteors,” the Big Bang and the Higgs boson “God Particle.” For example, the 2016 story about the LIGO interferometer detecting “ripples in the fabric of space time” (Einstein) produced by the union of two black holes 1.3 billion years ago,14 “shocking confirmation that the waves emanated from a cataclysmic collision29 years ago in Pontiac, Michigan, an irresistible force meeting an immovable object” inside a “dome-like structure.” Astrophysicist Kip Thorne looks into the distant past and sees gravitational waves produced by a colossal mass slammed to the ground by a powerful star, “93,173 bodies, by my calculations—before rippling outward into the universe.”15

Here, we see the Birkeland current spewing through and forth from the Earth at the North and South magnetic poles. From Christopher Fontenot:
Known to exist at Earth’s poles and equatorial plane, Birkeland currents were first proposed by their namesake Kristian Birkeland to be electromagnetic conduits transferring energy between celestial objects over great distances in space, such as between the Earth and Sun. At their core, Birkeland currents are longitudinally compressed waves of electric force, their core being the center point of concentric counter-rotational magnetic sheaths of transverse Alfvén wave propagation. These transverse waves are responsible for the “plasma tubes” of magnetic sheaths observed from pole to pole on Earth.
Alfvén waves are named for Hannes Alfvén and are filaments of oppositely charged ions pulsing in opposite directions. The force that binds these oppositely charged ionic Alfvén waves is called the Lorentz force. Three rings or electrojets consisting of two twisted Alfvén waves encircle the Earth at near the speed of light.
While weaponizing evoked potentials is plowing full steam ahead, physics doctoral programs are still not offering electrogravitics courses; electromagnetic waves are all still categorized as Hertzian, despite the fact that ELF, ULF, and biosystems waves aren’t Hertzian; and classical Newtonian physics still pooh-poohs evoked potentials as imaginary. Nuclear engineer Thomas Bearden calls modern electrodynamics “a piece of tripe.”
With an understanding of electrodynamics, Tesla weapons like the HAARP Howitzer would be seen for what they are: hyperspace weapons. People would understand how the quantum potential in nature can be built and steered by “using a modified Whittaker EM to implement David Bohm’s hidden variable theory of quantum mechanics.”16 They would learn how HAARP passes scalar waves through matter and dislodges the target from spacetime itself—like the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment and the 2001 World Trade Towers. They would learn that scalar waves hearken from the same realm as the antimatter that CERN is attempting to access. HAARP Howitzers disintegrate soft tissue and destroy every living cell until the body falls like a limp rag but does not decay, not even for forty-five days. The right frequencies pulsed on scalar waves can be made to influence thoughts as well as physical functions like vision, glands, and musculature.
Scalar interferometry spells the arrival of global C4 domination, given that scalar beams can be delivered by aircraft, satellite, or vectored craft. Artificial evoked potentials shaped into plasma orbs / Tesla globes can be directed like cannonballs against a target by two or more transmitters and can fail the electronics in airplanes, jets, helicopters, and missiles. Normal and encrypted communications can be tapped while evoked potentials can also be used to transmit impenetrable communications inside ordinary carrier waves, making them perfect for two-way communication with nuclear submarines, ships, aircraft, and satellites. By shaping a spherical interference shell (plasma shield / Tesla dome) in the searching radar bandwidth, radar invisibility can be created.
The Laser Developed Atmospheric Lens (LDAL) turns “the Earth’s atmosphere into a lens- like structure to magnify or change the path of electromagnetic waves such as light and radio signals”17 by means of high-powered lasers. The lens can also be used as a plasma shield against enemy laser. We are living in the Star Wars matrix.
Space Fence S-band radar (2.2–2.3 GHz) in the now-conductive lower atmosphere can generate plasma. It is not difficult to envision how Tesla’s protective 3D plasma shield or dome might be zapped into being in a flash by linking wide scalar beams from two or more transmitters in the airspace over even a vast geographic area like the Arctic Circle. Multiple layers of plasma would create a “nesting” effect in which each layer’s sensors would probe for various levels of identification. Illicit attempts to breach this force field could result in the craft or missile becoming inoperative or blowing up while human nervous systems are in meltdown. Raytheon is already constructing large luminous plasma shields over oceans and installations in the North and South Poles (including over Gakona HAARP).18
In X-ray mode, scalar waves become remote viewing radar, synthetic telepathy or voice-to- skull (V2K) mind control. On a scalar carrier, an advanced quantum potential weapon can mimic the signature or frequency of a disease and recreate it. Collective kills can be remotely achieved in a fifty-mile radius, individual kills on high-intensity pulse mode. In mood mode, a phase- locked 10Hz modulation pulsed by scalar transmitters can subject a population in a seventy-five- mile radius to a quiescent, hypnotic state19 because the body functions not on electromagnetic waves but on scalar magnetic waves. As invisible scalar weapons make missiles and nuclear bombs obsolete, near-invisible nanotechnology tethers our bodies and brains to the trillions of sensors, microprocessors and genetically engineered nanobots now being loosed in our compromised biosphere.
- Michael Janitch, “3/08/2016 — US Military confirms HAARP ‘ring’ formed by Radio Waves hitting the Atmosphere / Ionosphere.”
- Listen to “Konstantin Meyl Scalar Wave Interview with William Alek,” AdomHussein69, January 12, 2011. Meyl’s paper “Scalar Waves: Advanced Concepts for Wireless Energy Transfer” can be found at www.k-meyl.de/go/Primaerliteratur/Wireless-Energy-Transfer.pdf.
- Sound waves propagate similarly because they are a form of scalar wave, as is a gravitational wave or plasma wave. For more on the speed of light no longer being considered a constant as in E=mc2, see Umer Abrar, “Speed of light not so constant after all — New experiment proves.” Physics-Astronomy.com, January 2015.
- Robert B. Laughlin, A Different Universe, Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down. New York: Basic Books, 2005.
- Alice Park, “Junk DNA — Not So Useless After All.” Time, September 6, 2012.
- Each ether stage can be made to devolve into the previous stage or evolve into the next stage.
- Clifford Carnicom recommends The Fourth State of Matter: An Introduction to Plasma Science by S. Eliezer and Y. Eliezer
(Institute of Physics Publishing, 1989). - Einstein, Albert. “Ether and the Theory of Relativity.” Address delivered May 5, 1920 at University of Leyden.
- In his 1910 History of the Theories of Æther and Electricity, Whittaker credits Henri Poincaré (1854– 1912) and Hendrik
Lorentz (1853–1928) with developing special relativity and E=mc2, not Einstein. - Are these the Three Assassins of Freemasonry, which views itself as the gatekeeper of what the profane should and
shouldn’t know? Scientia est potential. - Zeeya, Morali, “Ether returns to oust dark matter.” New Scientist, 27 August 2012.
- Laughlin, A Different Universe.
- Carolyn Williams Palit, “What Chemtrails Really Are,” November 9, 2007.
- “China to Study Gravitational Waves in Domestic Research Project.” Sputnik News, February 14, 2016.
- “Physicists pinpoint source of gravitational waves to Pontiac Michigan 1987.” Kayfabe News, February 12, 2016.
- Thomas Bearden, “Scalar Electromagnetics and Weather Control.” Esoteric Physics homepage, May 26, 1998. Bearden’s background: Lieutenant Colonel U.S. Army (Retired); MS Nuclear Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology; BS Mathematics, Northeast Louisiana University; graduate of Command & General Staff College, U.S. Army; graduate of Guided Missile Staff Officers’ Course, U.S. Army (equivalent of MS in Aerospace Engineering); numerous electronic warfare and counter-countermeasures courses.
- “A space laser could turn the Earth’s atmosphere into a giant magnifying glass and be used to spy on enemies in future wars.” BT.com, 18 January 2017. See “BAE Systems – Laser Developed Atmospheric Lens Force Shield Combat Situation” youtube.
- Conversation with a passenger in a C-130 who saw a plasma shield go up over Gakona HAARP in 2015.
- See Joanna Lillis, “The village that fell asleep: mystery illness perplexes Kazakh scientists.” The Guardian, 18 March 2015.