Let us use America as a model because from a historical perspective it’s a more advanced model; Racism is simply a tool, a very necessary part of a several decades old plan to achieve cultural and socioeconomic dislocation in America for a reason, and that reason is control. Just like all the empty promises, fake cuts, budget spin, and political stunts that BOTH political parties use to make it look like they are serving their constituents it’s all smoke and mirrors for the globalist plan. For effective totalitarian control this government has perfected the concepts of racial hatred and racial prejudice, that’s the real reason they want several ethnic groups in the society they control… its all about repeating history with more efficient divide and conquer.
For over 150 years, blacks were victims of terrorist attacks through the Democratic party and their Klan supporters with endless lynchings, beatings, rapes and mutilations. And regarding slavery the elite used the Democrats to expand it; while the Republicans angle was to ban it, but the important message here is the global shadow government owned both party’s so all of it was a script. Obama outside the Whitehouse and his globalist pawns today are still using racial paranoia to continue achieving the elites goals by aligning with people who have promoted racial grievances, all by design to increase bigotry and racism in America. This is the highest insult to what Martin Luther King died for. Expect no less from any globalist puppet regardless of their color.
The script changed after a while so the people were led to believe the Democrats had a change of heart and fell in love with blacks when in reality all the globalists fell in love with is the black vote from the left, knowing this would be their ticket to keep the white house from the left side of things. The Democrat Party worked for years to keep blacks on inner city plantations, run by Democrat politicians. The Democrat Party was designed to keep black youngsters uneducated and to ensure they were the victims of white privilege for a plan.
Today we see it’s been over 50 years since Martin Luther King envisioned a day when people in America would not be judged by the color of their skin. The shadow government, using government made sure that would not happen. The have succeeded in setting back race relations, its a great distraction, while the government gives the elite more and more wealth/control…..all necessary on the road to world government.
“We must realize that our Party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries have been oppressed by the Whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party … In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While enflaming the Negro minority against the Whites, we will instill in the Whites, a guilt complex for the exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negroes will be able to intermarry with the Whites, and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.”
– Israel Cohen of the Fabian Society in his book A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century (1913)“On June 17, 1957, this passage was read into the Congressional Record by Rep. Thomas G. Abernathy. In 1964, Barry Goldwater explained that the Civil Rights Act — which he opposed — would be used to create the framework for a national police state and encourage all Americans to become accusers and informants against each other. He has, tragically, been vindicated in every particular.” –William N. Grigg (2015)
The proof government is successful couldn’t be more obvious today watching Obama’s racist tactics actually drive support for Obama from indoctrinated masses. Meanwhile to keep the indoctrination deep, every now and then you will hear Obama compare himself, for example to M.L.K. or Gandhi. What the majority simply cannot understand is this formula the government uses is anything but a formula for social peace, They simply create chaos for controlled outcome. Obama’s theme, as an obvious puppet for the global elite, is to make everyone equal except the ruling class. MLK’s theme was “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed; we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal“.
What Obama did/is doing is nothing new. Obama seeks for America the same international order as those puppets before him going back to Woodrow Wilson who wanted what was called the League of Nations, and that’s because ALL those puppet left vs. right presidents have the same controllers/owners. The global elite will stop at nothing to force the United States to eventually surrender its sovereignty to their vision of a New World Order when they are ready. Roosevelt on behalf of his owners created the United Nations in 1945 to resolve THEIR challenges UNDER THE GUISE of our challenges. The globalist goal, that uses racism, since 1945 has been for the United States to submit its sovereignty to an ultimate power greater than our own for the plan.
The decision to put Obama, a black man, also portrayed as a closet gay, in the White House was simply to further distract Americans for the power plays we saw for the world government during his term. Obama made more steps toward world government than any other president. Obama has clearly allowed them to pick up the pace toward that goal, and without the tools of social engineering using racism and gender disorientation they would have never achieved this. This exposes the globalist reasons/uses for ‘sexual orientation’ laws we now see on the road to world government keeping many people distracted to the globalist plan.
Better understanding transgender and sexual orientation in academia could obviously be used to better humanity. Its obvious today the globalist plan calls for sexual orientation towards the other sex to change with sexual disorientation laws being forced onto society for, as always, controlled change. The globalist plan for the last several decades has been creating and changing a wide variety of laws based on confusing and contradictory definitions, like global warming, which is also for controlled change, so the question to ask yourself is if they are not promoting gender equality for the good of humanity then for what reason? The answer is in discovering how it serves the globalists and their plan. In today’s world the globalists have worked hard to make it impossible for anyone to understand all areas of social engineering on a national or worldwide scale. But when implying all extensive objectives of social control incorporated in the globalist plan, that by design, are for destruction of human life, slavery and genocide, it all becomes clear what all the social engineering and technology they sponsor is being used for. Government, those whom control it, the media and education etc., made it as complicated as they could for the people to be able to understand how racism, equality, inequality and typecasting have been used by government as very useful tools that helped put America on the road to world government.
But the formula is really quite simple;
All they had to do was put the mechanisms in place to silence good people on all sides of the political aisle so they fall prey to what the global elite need most to have total world slavery. They simply worked to instill opposing values, and then used opposing values utilizing the machinery of government to control all the people. That’s why government does all it can get away with to weaken the population.
“[Some people] have a depraved taste for equality, which impels the weak to lower the powerful to their own level, and reduces men to prefer equality in slavery to inequality with freedom. I believe that it is easier to establish an absolute and despotic government amongst a people in which the conditions of society are equal, than amongst any other; and I think that, if such a government were once established amongst such a people, it would not only oppress men, but would eventually strip each of them of several of the highest qualities of humanity. Despotism, therefore, appears to me peculiarly to be dreaded in democratic times.” – Alexis de Tocqueville
Another way to understand this; if the effects of discrimination were reduced, it would directly reduce monopoly power over the people, something the globalists who control government, will fight with all their resources and false flag capabilities to never allow happen. They will continue to do everything in there power to ensure a public utopia NEVER exists.
“If one wishes to really fight private-sector discrimination and to ensure that no community or ethnic group is forced to submit to terms dictated by any monopolist, it is government regulation that must be opposed”. – Lew Rockwell
For over 100 years this government has perfected the science of psychology to subjugate and control citizens, similar to the way a spouse abuser does. They destroy the self-confidence of people blaming them for everything that’s wrong, making most “believe” they can’t do anything right and are responsible for everything bad that happens, And if they would just try to understand others positions more, give more, things would be better. The Rockefeller funded National Education Association is responsible for creating this by controlling/influencing public schools for the past 100 years. Looking at Americas history and America today its clear where equality was/is enthroned, it was used as a tool to eliminate freedom. Think for a moment all the injustices done under the cloak of equality, freedoms inhibited, and the financial cost, it’s been for the plan, it’s been horrific yet an effective smokescreen for the globalists plan of controlled change.
Americas founders disbelieved the notion of equality; to prevent where we are today. And puppet president LBJ embraced it for the globalist plan. Since then our government has been trying to create a society to one day finish off what could have been a Republic for the people. Once the civil rights movement ended segregation it moved on to social and economic equality in 1965. Most Americans “believe” inequality is due to racism, and more believe inequity is the root of our problems. It’s interesting to note history shows us that when faith dies it destroys culture, killing the civilization, killing off the people.
The globalists are working to have a world where ALL rights come from government, no longer from a God or humanity. This is the real reason you still hear Obama condemning God given rights, not because he disapproves of religions ability for mind control. With that said, today America has become (by design) a self-worshiping nation obsessed with cultural diversity and the communist idea of equality….all according to the plan.
Looking at American society through what has been done using racism and inequality it is clear now we have a system governed by T.H. White’s totalitarian principle: “Everything not forbidden is compulsory”…..and it is all for a the 100 year old plan and this time in history its not being introduced with jackboots, its with a promise for a better world for all, but when world government/slavery arrives at the peoples doorstep, it will be with the jackboots, assisted with mind boggling and literally mind controlling technology.
Where are we now with the plan on the racism front? In the media anyone white, no matter how well informed they are who criticizes anyone of color is labeled a racist keeping the people distracted as the pace gains momentum toward world government. And the reason Obama got elected was because he is black. The only reason he could get away with more impeachable acts than any previous president is because he is black. The reason his racist ruling class owners put him there is because only a black man could get away with this much treason against the people to move their plan forward… yes this was planned long ago, welcome to realizing you’re in a matrix!!
So where is all this heading? Once we have a one world government creating endless wars will no longer work for the globalists to keep control, so the notion of equality & racism are now being used for eventual control where war has always failed. History and current events clearly expose how racism/equality has proven to be an incredibly efficient political weapon, and take note, as a weapon, they are as old as government itself.
Orwell showed in Animal Farm “all animals are created equal” but the people never are and the illusion to achieve equality for all always ends up, as history, and current events clearly show; to establish a dictatorship for the few. While Obama is still preaching equality to the masses, who is all the remaining wealth being rapidly transferred to? And who gets the power? As always the ruling class that’s who!
Looking at previous revolutions that also used equality as a weapon, we look back to Russia and China, we saw the elite that took over were even more brutal than who they replaced. And thanks to Obama’s work I guarantee race will become even more of a factor in the planned crisis ahead, as it will serve the globalist plan. Not to mention white people are a rapidly emerging minority in America, it’s been a necessary part of this several decades old plan to achieve cultural and socioeconomic dislocation in America. Thanks to Obama the globalist approved tactics of Jim Crow came back!

Newsweek, 29 December, 2008
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