Birth of the Oppenheimer-Rothschild Cartel

Samuel Oppenheimer
Samuel Oppenheimer (born June 21, 1630, Heidelberg – May 3, 1703, Vienna) was an Ashkenazi Jewish banker, imperial court diplomat, factor, and military supplier for the Holy Roman Emperor. He enjoyed the special favor of Emperor Leopold I, to whom he advanced considerable sums of money for the Great Turkish War. Prince Eugene of Savoy brought him a large number of valuable Hebrew manuscripts from Turkey, which became the nucleus of the famous David Oppenheim Library, now part of the Bodleian Library at Oxford.
Samuel Oppenheimer’s parents were Simeon Oppenheim and Edel Oppenheim (Bacharach), aka. Edel Drach, descended from the line of Samuel Mendel Bacharach aka. Shmuel Bacharach zum Drachen (ang. Samuel Bacharach to the Dragon). The Oppenheimer lineage can be traced back to Judah Loew ben Bezalel, the important Talmudic scholar, Jewish mystic, and philosopher grandson of Judah Leib the Elder, descendant of King Solomon (who was possibly the wealthiest person in history), and was thus a claimant to the Davidic line, through Sherira Gaon. The Jewish Messiah has to be a member of the Davidic line.
Norbert Wiener, father of cybernetics and artificial intelligence, and author of “The Human Use of Human Beings” (1950), claims the same ancestry.
One of Samuel Oppenheimer’s sons, Simon Wolf Oppenheimer, established a banking house in Hanover. Simon Wolff’s son, Jakob Wolf Oppenheimer continued the family banking house. It was there, from 1757 to 1763, that Mayer Amschel Rothschild apprenticed and learned the banking business that would become synonymous with that family name. One could posit that the Oppenheimer’s made the Rothschilds. Samuel Oppenheimer’s descendants include the composer Felix Mendelssohn and Ernest Oppenheimer.
Ernest Oppenheimer & J.P Morgan

Ernest Oppenheimer
Sir Ernest Oppenheimer, (born May 22, 1880, Friedberg, Hesse-Nassau, Ger.—died Nov. 25, 1957, Johannesburg, S.Af.), German-born industrialist, financier, and one of the most successful leaders in the mining industry in South Africa and Rhodesia.
Oppenheimer became a junior clerk at the age of 16 with Dunkelsbuhlers & Company, London diamond brokers. In 1902 he moved to Kimberley, S.Af., where he served as a Dunkelsbuhlers’ representative. In 1917, with considerable backing from the financier J.P. Morgan, he formed the Anglo American Corporation of South Africa, Ltd., to exploit the east Witwatersrand goldfield. Two years later he formed Consolidated Diamond Mines of South West Africa, Ltd. (reformed as the Namdeb Diamond Corp. in 1994). This diamond prospecting corporation was so successful that he gained control of the De Beers Consolidated Mines, which once dominated the world diamond market, and in 1930 established The Diamond Corporation, Ltd.
In 1929 Oppenheimer formed the Rhodesian Anglo American Corporation to exploit the rich copper deposits in Northern Rhodesia. His last project was the pioneering of new goldfields in the Orange Free State, S.Af.
Oppenheimer served as mayor of Kimberley from 1912 to 1915 and was a member of the Union of South Africa Parliament from 1924 to 1938. A philanthropist and an outstanding figure in South African life, he furthered Commonwealth studies at Oxford University. He was knighted in 1921.
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The Assassination of Hendrick Verwoerd
South Africa had become an emerging economic and military power a stabilizing force amongst an increasingly unstable continent. South Africa was therefore a threat to Anglo American and Communist interests seeking to exploit the valuable resources of a weakened post colonial Africa.
Hendrik Verwoerd commissioned an investigation into power monopolies, a report known as the Hoek report in 1965. Dr. Verwoerd delegated the responsibility to professor Pieter Hoek to determine the economic stranglehold that economic monopolies such as Anglo-American run by the Oppenheimer mining magnate, and Rembrandt run by Anton Rupert dealing in the alcohol and tobacco industry, amongst other economic powers.
“We shall oppose the power concentrations and monopolies which occur in our country and which constitute a real danger”
Dr. Hendrick Verwoerd, 25th January 1966
On the 16th of April, 1960 Dr. Verwoerd was shot and injured by David Pratt during the opening ceremony of the Rand Easter Show at Milner Park in Johannesburg. Pratt was declared insane and sent to a psychiatric institution in Bloemfontein, committing suicide a few months later.
Six years later, September 6, 1966 Dimitry Tsafendas stabbed Dr. Verwoerd to death in the House of Assembly, Tsafendas escaped the death penalty on the grounds of insanity. The Attorney General had a strong suspicion that the murder was politically motivated and that Tsafendas was a “hired killer”. Tsafendas was incarcerated indefinitely.
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South Africa’s Secret History
In order to topple a country, you need three things; time, distraction and traitors from within. The UN/IMF had been funding and inserting politicians since the 60’s and any of us in-the-know, know exactly who Oppenheimer is and remember his statement that he was “the engine behind the ANC.” So, the UN/IMF had all the ingredients to start the ball rolling. Oppenheimer is a Rothschild and they own deBeers and Anglo-American controlling much of the diamond and gold trade as well as many other interests.

South African Airways Flight 295 – “Helderberg”
We were winning in Angola, with the exception of the Mig problem, so the destruction of the weapons programs would be a serious blow to our efforts and moral in general. Enter the Helderberg, a Boeing 747 combi aircraft (passengers and cargo). On November the 27th, the ammonium perchlorate (APC/AMP fashioned into an incendiary bomb) was loaded onto the Helderberg on main cargo pallet PR1 while the US (out of the PRC) and South African military attaches monitored progress “on the tarmac.” I don’t know which pallet the plutonium was loaded into, but I imagine it was toward the rear of the plane. The Chief of CI, Colonel Jordaan was supposed to be coming back on the Helderberg with his wife but he was warned off boarding the plane. T.B. Osler, a known CI/MI asset was on the plane, in addition, one other engineer with known connections to the French/Israeli company that produced the mobile VOR beacon in the Samora Machel assassination was also on the plane with his wife. Dawie Uys, the pilot, had his SAAF officer status re-activated and both he and his family were threatened in order to force the take off and complete the flight. The orders came from Pretoria.
This was far too sweet a target for the UN/IMF to miss taking advantage of fully and it was the first false flag in SA of this nature and size. If they could take the plane down with all the people who were active targets, as well as all of the innocent people plus the weapons materials, the catastrophe would complete a number of objectives.
This one act of mass murder divided not only parliament, but also the nation, it put doubt into every aspect of SA society because people knew military contraband was involved and the government did it, it was in all the papers as rumours of course but very close to part of the truth. Every military department I dealt with was polarized. Consequently, security clearances were altered to try and prevent people in the inside circles from knowing what was really going on in the government. We (not myself necessarily, military contracting companies I worked for/with) did things that were internationally illegal, like helping the US sell arms to Saddam for the sole purpose of invading Kuwait (why do you think he had to die? he might have told, actually he tried to, the courts shut him up) during the South African arms embargo. It was not a very nice time but government ministers made good money selling arms and weapons projects, oh, and I quit. I don’t mind retiring known terrorists or even unknown ones, but I do have a problem working with people selling weapons to insane megalomaniacs, even if it is a deal brokered by the US government. I forgot to mention, guess who was the judge managing the inquiry into the Helderberg being blown up. If you guessed Cecil Margo, you’re right.
Brent Carlsson, Pan Am 103 (1988)
As an aside, when the wheels started turning in late 1988 to finally make South West Africa its own country of Namibia, a UN commissioner for Namibia was assigned. The South African delegation of twenty-two members and Brent Carlsson (UN Commissioner) were to meet in New York for the hand-over of South West Africa. Funny story but true, the twenty-two members were booked onto Pan Am 103 (Lockerbe Scotland crash) but six of them were moved to Pan Am 101 and the other sixteen went back to SA, I guess they were baggage. Brent Carlsson, because he had bad-mouthed Oppenheimer on the raping of SWA and what would be Namibian resources on BBC television was delayed on his flight by….. Oppenheimer. Because of the delay, you know where he wound up right? Pan Am 103. There is a whole lot of story behind that explosion as well, but if “dirty tricks” work over and over again, they are used over and over again.
UN, IMF, ANC, Mandela and South Africa (1989)
In 1989, the UN came back to the SA government with an ultimatum again and the IMF offered up the muscle. We were already a nation divided with ministers in government and officers in the military working for the UN, IMF and/or ANC. The UN demanded that Mandela be released since he was the new “poster boy” for worldview change. The IMF offered to flood the market with Russian diamonds and destroy the South African economy if South Africa didn’t comply.
DeKlerk knew what was going on, he was Oppenheimer’s (Rothschilds) bought man, so he did the thing they wanted, bought the diamonds with the country’s money and extended the Reserve Bank, but he didn’t release Mandela, because the plan was that he needed an excuse to say, “It’s the only thing we could do to save the country.” Hollow words since he knew he would eventually get the Nobel Prize with that other traitor Mandela. DeKlerk knew the plan and it wouldn’t be much longer until SA went over the edge, so a couple of weeks after the diamond deal, the IMF came back on schedule while Oppenhiemer pretended innocence and “informed” deKlerk of the next part of the plan for SA, they would flood the market with gold and destroy the economy if Mandela wasn’t released.
And there we have it, the unknown history of the capitulation of South Africa, sold to the IMF and the UN by traitors like deKlerk through the pressure of worldview manipulation using Mandela, the poster boy for terror as the poster boy for peace, go figure?
South Africa, a nation built of the blood and sweat of settlers and a land mass that was not really occupied by anyone. A nation now usurped by IMF control to the detriment of everyone. The deKlerks, Mandelas, Mbekis, Zumas, all of them are simply meat puppets, not unlike Harper and Obama, that dance to the tune of their master, the IMF (read Rothschilds). Corruption, disease and murder run rampant and unchecked while infrastructure collapses and taxpayer money is funneled into political pockets and IMF debt schemes (read ponzi scams).
My CO, Colonel Jordaan, said to me, “Once is happenstance, twice coincidence but three times is enemy action.” We are well beyond three times. I could tell your readers a lot more, but we all need to keep our “insurance” and hope it stays working.
The day the Helderberg was destroyed, November 28, 1987, was the last day the people of South Africa had any form of self determination, it was the beginning of the end. Remember the date, not only for the loss of the country but for the loss of the innocent victims that died that fateful night, their families that still search for closure and those who continue to die on the human stage the IMF and UN constructed from greed of Rothschilds and their spawn.
But cheer up, the worst is yet to come.
Dave Meckanic (2012)
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Shaping the New ‘Oppenheimer’ South Africa

Nelson Mandela in London in 1999 meeting with Julian Ogilvy Thompson, Harry Oppenheimer and Nicky Oppenheimer of De Beers
The ideological shifts that took place in the ANC’s economic views from 1990 can only be described as breathtaking: from an explicitly socialist, redistributive approach, towards embracing the American ideologies of neoliberal globalism and market fundamentalism.
From 1990 Nelson Mandela and Harry Oppenheimer met regularly for lunch or dinner, and the main corporations of the Minerals Energy Complex (MEC) met regularly with a leadership core of the ANC at Little Brenthurst, Oppenheimer’s estate. When other corporate leaders joined the secret negotiations on the future of the economic policy of South Africa, the meetings were shifted to the Development Bank of Southern Africa during the night.
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Julius Malema warns Cyril Ramaphosa – 22 May 2019
The New Diamonds
The Oppenheimer’s have, in recent years, turned their attention to 5G technology – founded upon the other form of carbon, graphene, which is also the vehicle for the realization of their distant cousin Norbert Weiner’s pioneering work in cybernetics and AI.
Oppenheimer sees significant investment opportunities with 5G as 5G is expected to drastically increase wireless capacity, reduce latency, lower carrier operating expenses and will offer major investment implications across the Carrier, Cloud, Semiconductors and Communications Equipment Industries.
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Erica L. Moffett, Managing Director and Associate Director of Equity Research at Oppenheimer, said, “As we expect increasing disruption in the wireless industry over the next five years – specifically in the areas of the cloud and platform-as-a-service computing – customers are demanding better, faster and more customizable networks. Oppenheimer continues to be in the vanguard of these trends, fostering dialogue on the new network migration, while being recognized for our thought leadership across the spectrum of cloud-based technologies. Reliable, scalable 5G will provide the platform for next-step innovations, including in the Metaverse, AI and blockchain
source :–co-inc-commences-2nd-annual-5g-summit-highlighting-convergence-of-wireless-and-cloud-technologies-301443366.html
“Diamond Empire” Documentary – Rise of the Oppenheimer Cartel
De Beers Diamond Company & Black Labour
Reference & Further Reading
- Hidden History f the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia by Preston James and Mike Harris
- The Assassination of Dr. H. F. Verwoerd and British-American Scheming by Jan Marais, Leader of the HNP of SA.
- Opening Pandora’s Apartheid Box by Mike Smith
- ‘We’ve not elected Oppenheimer’: Malema warns Ramaphosa – eNCA News