It has been well said by an eminent Occultist, “man is most ignorant of those things which are most manifest.’’
In some departments of Nature this is true, and probably in no other “manifested” department of his being is this truth more strikingly apparent than in that which relates to his sexual nature. He is aware that animal nature is divided into two great classes, male and female, but he knows almost nothing of the spiritual principles which underlie this physical expression of sex. He is fully aware that the union of the two organisms is necessary for the purpose of procreation, but he is fearfully ignorant of those interior processes which produce the actual germs of life. He is more or less acquainted with the fact that in the lower stratas of animated existence bi-sexual organisms are the general rule, and that, occasionally, this bi-sexual nature becomes manifested among men, as seen in the hermaphrodite, but he is quite at a loss to account for such “monstrous” productions. Hence it may be truly said that “man is most ignorant of those things which are most manifest.” Therefore, in order to enable the general reader to clearly grasp the various connecting links in the mystical ramifications of sex, to see their perfect harmony, and to understand their relation to each other, we will first speak of the origin of sex; secondly, describe, as clearly as possible its nature and functions; thirdly, point out the relation of the sexes to each other; and, lastly, present a brief application of the whole as it relates to Man, the Universe, and the Immortality of the Soul.
I. The Origin of Sex
Deity is a unity that expresses or manifests itself as a duality. This is the eternal trinity of life.
The infinite ocean of formless spirit within its latent bosom contains all that is, was, or ever can be. Therefore it contains all the elements of sex in their primal state. When the first pulsations of that thought which evolved “the divine idea” became manifest, Nature arrayed herself under the two modes of motion, action and reaction.
The in-breathing and out-breathing of this divine thought, in the earliest dawn of creation, thus instituted the first spiritual attributes of sex. Each function of the Deific soul, which we designate as inspiration and respiration, or action and reaction of the universal life current, thus became differentiated for all eternity as the primary fundamental principle of Manifested Being. The Kabbalistical initiates, of the ages that are gone, formulated this same biune spirit as Love and Wisdom. Love, as the negative or feminine ray, is content and ever seeks to enfold. Wisdom, as the positive, masculine ray, is restless and always in pursuit. The feminine forces are ever striving to encircle the atom, and the masculine forces striving to propel it in a straight line. From this dual action of the spiritual potentialities, is born the “Spiral,” the motion of life and symbol of eternal progression.
We cannot attempt any explanation of how the first Deific forms of sexual fife become ultimated, nor of the why and wherefore of this celestial existence. It is enough for us that we are enabled by the laws of correspondence to trace the origin of sex to the shores of the great fountain of all existence, and to proclaim it to the world as the first principle of that great central Ego (God) from which all manifested egos derive their being. In order that we may comprehend somewhat of the mysteries of sex as we see them manifested in humanity, we must descend from these practically inconceivable heights of celestial glory and seek for the links of this continuous chain within the highest states of life approachable by the embodied human soul, viz., the angelic sphere of the soul world. Only in these states can we obtain any definite idea of the interior significance of sex, and its mighty importance as a factor in the immortality of the human soul. The first link of this celestial chain, as we have seen, lies concealed within the bosom of the Infinite One. What the succeeding ones may contain we cannot tell, but that they will bear a perfect correspondence to the angelic state we are certain, making due allowance for the difference of their respective states. Therefore, since we know the origin of sex, we will consider its correlatives which we have designated, as inspiration and respiration.
II. Sex, Its Nature and Functions
In the previous chapter we have described in a very brief manner the actual differentiation of the human Ego, as a deific atom of life.
We need not, therefore, repeat any of the description there given, but we will add that it must be a self evident fact that each Ego contains within itself all the primary elements of sex, in a latent condition. These attributes have not as yet been subjected to the requisite conditions for their evolution. In this state, then, there is neither love nor wisdom manifested within the Ego. It cannot know happiness when it is ignorant of sorrow. It cannot form any conception of rest before weariness has approached. There can be no real love for the Ego when it has never experienced the various contrary conditions by which love is distinguished. The wisdom of the Ego in this state is equally latent, since it possesses no means of arriving at a true knowledge of its various surroundings. In this state, we behold the spiritual atom in its primal condition wherein the power of God hath just created it. It is the first spiritual Adam. The various series of states through which this divine Ego must penetrate in order to evolve its soul sphere, are the necessary means by which the internal potentialities of sex must be awakened. When this transpires, the divine Ego becomes pregnant with the dual forms of its own organic life, and the twin souls are bom, the male and female elements of its being, which are represented in Genesis as Adam and Eve, knowing neither good nor evil. A beautiful description this of the embryonic human souls. These twin souls are the absolute expression of the masculine and feminine rays of which every absolute atomic Ego is composed. The masculine ray contains a portion of the feminine elements or there could be no reaction of its forces. The feminine ray must likewise contain a portion of the masculine qualities for the same reason. These twin souls contain a portion of each other. They constitute the sun and moon, so to say, of the Ego’s creation, and when once they become differentiated they are as eternal and immortal as the EGO which called them into existence. They can be neither absorbed nor annihilated by time nor eternity. They constitute the divine idea of their deific parent, and as such they become the divine expression of Love and Wisdom upon this earth.
Note: This statement requires some slight qualification. We mean that no foreign or outside influence can absorb or annihilate the sexual qualities of the soul. It is therefore true that the masculine and feminine attributes of the soul cannot be destroyed as a whole. But the masculine portion may attract its feminine portion or soul mate, and by the intense selfhood of its own dominant forces virtually destroy her manifested existence. This absorption however, is a very rare occurrence and only transpires in the case of those magical adepts of the astral plane who have attained their psychological powers by a complete polarization of all the truly human elements of their internal natures. Such magical adepts become the concentrated centers of spiritual selfishness, but teach the external masses that self is the very demon they have conquered. These occult processes have transformed them into sexless beings, who are neither human nor divine, and yet they profess to be the guardians of “the secret doctrine” of “the sacred science.”
In this latter capacity they have formulated much erroneous philosophy, since they are self-magnetized and self-deluded by their own positive idea of Nature to such an extent that they cannot penetrate beyond their own astral spheres, nor receive any knowledge which elevates the soul to higher views and truer conceptions of God’s infinite resources. It is from this magical school of thought that mankind have received the doctrines which teach that sex is only the appearance of matter, and not a spiritual reality; whereas, nothing in this mighty universe is so manifest and so eternal as the male and female expressions of the divine soul. These adepts profess to have blended the two; but they have simply polarized the feminine, and created a conscious selfhood of the other.
It is impossible for the absolute Ego (the twin soul) to descend into more outward conditions than the paradisiacal state. So in order to attain the full development of its internal attributes, its own soul, expressed as the male and female elements; each unit is projected outward upon the subjective arc of the great cycle, where, after passing through innumerable spheres and states of life, each finally reaches the polarizing point of creation, in the mineral, which is the turning point in its cycle of necessity. From this point its journey back again is traversed upon the objective arc until it reaches the climax of material forms.
We see, therefore, that the nature of sex is to give perfect expression to the two grand attributes of deific life; Love and Wisdom; that to attain this end the divine soul of the absolute Ego becomes differentiated as male and female, each conscious of itself, each a perfect expression of the positive and negative forces of its being. When once this differentiation is completed, then, they exist as the divine idea of the microcosm and constitute its universe, even as the myriad creations of space constitute the divine idea of the Deity. This being so, each portion of the dual soul maintains forever the perfect symbol of its internal qualities and always gives expression, in its outward form, to the symbol of its internal nature. Like produces like.
The function of the soul is to awaken and round out those qualities and attributes which are latent within; and as we have seen that there are two sets of soul qualities, one the necessary outcome of the other, we see the harmony and the philosophy of the twin forms of life to express them. Both male and female, as we have endeavored to show, possess the necessary positive qualities for the perfect subjugation of material forces. Hence it is, that, when the twin souls are projected on their journey into matter, they travel upon divergent lines, along the subjective arcs of the soul’s evolution. These lines (if it were possible to measure them ) would form two sides of an equilateral triangle with mineral as a base, while the apex would indicate the absolute Ego or point of projection. The return journey between the mineral and man forms a similar triangle, in reverse, which would indicate the objective arcs of the soul’s evolution. When both arcs are combined they represent the mystical seal of King Solomon, the double trinity, or six pointed star. This completes two acts in the grand drama of life. The closing tableau in the first act represents the stationary forces of the crystallized mineral and the second act the external conditions of human life.
The third and last act in the human cycle briefly reviews the whole of the previous two arcs and evolves another six pointed star which represents the higher and lower planes of manifestation. (This last act is the transit of the soul through the seven super mundane spheres of disembodied existence from man to the angel.) But, in its grand outlines it is also a spiritual trine whose closing tableau represents the reunion of the twin souls symbolized by St. John as the celestial marriage of the lamb. Thus, we begin with the one divine monad or Ego and in the course of its expression and of the gradual evolution of its sexual attributes, we see it slowly transform into a trinity. This trinity, in the sub-cycles of its evolution, forms three triangles, which constitute the symbol of its forces three times expressed upon the three sub-cycles of its journey. These three sub-cycles are the subjective arc or the cycle of unconsciousness, the objective arc or cycle of intelligence, and the ethereal arc or cycle of soul consciousness. The results so far of our present research show that the origin of sex begins with God; that the nature of sex is the manifestation of his biune spirit, and its functions are the spiral motion of its evolutionary forces that awaken and round out its latent possibilities.
It now becomes our duty to consider the third section of our subject, the relation of the sexes to each other.
III. The Relation of the Sexes to Each Other
Male and female exist in Nature as the representative expressions of wisdom and love. Their functions correspond exactly with their sex, and in actual life it may be truly said that woman is ever the center of the love element of humanity. Her thoughts and desires constitute the index of her mission on earth. In her, we behold the gentle, yielding, loving nature which softens and harmonizes man’s positive spirit of aggression. In her delicate nature we see the lovely center of maternal care and affection. She is the weaker portion of the dual soul upon the physical plane, but her physical weakness constitutes the great center of her spiritual strength. As the weaker sex, we may think that her true place is that of subjection to man, but, on the contrary, her more delicate forces become her most potent weapon, and instead of being the subject she ascends the throne of the conqueror. Man becomes a pliable medium in her hands, and is led a willing captive by her subtle power and resources.
In man we behold the positive, aggressive Lord of Creation, that portion of the soul which becomes the restless explorer of Nature seeking for wisdom. Man’s will is electric, penetrating and disruptive. The will of woman is magnetic, attractive and formative. Hence they express the polar opposites of Nature’s forces.
The twin souls are related to each other primarily as brother and sister, and finally as man and wife. In this latter state their true meeting place is the plane of embodied humanity, but, during the present cycle, very few of these spiritual unions take place. But, whenever the two halves of the same divine Ego do meet, love is the natural consequence; not the physical sensations produced by the animal magnetisms of their sexual natures, but the deep, silent emotions of the soul; the responsive vibrations of their internal natures toward each other; the blissful silence of two souls in perfect rapport wherein neither careth to speak. This spiritual love is the outcome of their divine relationship, and should never be set aside nor crushed by any worldly considerations. But, on the contrary, wherever possible, these pure intuitions of the soul should be obeyed. They cannot deceive nor lead astray, because the soul never makes a mistake when claiming its own. Should circumstances in life or any other material consideration prevent their rightful union, the fact that they have actually met will constitute an invisible connection, a spiritual rapport, between them which no earthly power or device can break. Deep down within the secret chambers of the heart the image of the loved one will be treasured and its continual presence will poison and corrode everything which pertains toward an ephemeral affection for another. If a female should marry under these circumstances, and become the mother of children, it will frequently transpire that the actual germs of spiritual life will be transmitted by this absent one. The external husband only provides the purely physical conditions for the manifestation of the spiritual offspring of the true Lord. The rejected soul-mate, the spiritual bridegroom, is the real father, and very often the child born will resemble the image of its true parent.
By far the most important of the various relations of the sexes toward each other is that which pertains to their sexual intercourse. Untold misery, suffering and crime are bom into the world through the sensual depravity of mankind on the one hand, and their benighted ignorance of human nature upon the other. We are sorry that such a delicate subject cannot be properly treated in the present work, so we will only add that man and wife should harmonize with each other, both in physical temperament and in magnetic polarity. No marriage union should be thought of where these essential points of comparison are wanting. Neither wealth, fame, nor worldly position, can compensate for the lack of natural harmony. Discordant unions are the harbingers of sorrow, crime and disease. Sexual union between inharmonious souls evolves the seeds of every species of wickedness and sexual disorder. It may not become apparent to the producer thereof, but it exists within the spaces of human life ready to spring into concrete form under the first favorable conditions.
Let those who deliberately misuse their sexual nature, to satisfy licentious wicked desires, stop in the deadly path. Such thoughts and actions lead to madness and actual death.
The purely Martial man will prove a continual curse to the cold-natured Saturnine woman, and vice versa. This may not be any fault of the man or woman, but it is the discordant polarities of their astral constitutions. The same will hold good between natures of the Earthy triplicity and those born under the Airy triplicity. A true knowledge of the science of the stars is necessary to determine conjugal harmony or discord. Now, the various sections of our subject are completed, and it only remains for us to apply the logical outcome of the principles of sex as they affect man, the universe and the immortality of the soul.
As we view the outward forms of man and woman we cannot fail to observe the perfect harmony between the external appearance and the internal cause. Their organisms are the concrete image of the principles concealed within. It would be the extreme height of absurdity for us to believe that a materialized form bears no correspondence to the forces which created it. The form cannot exist without an internal cause, and the internal cause is powerless to produce any external form apart from the reflected image of itself and its functions. Under these circumstances it must be self-evident that every male organism is the absolute outcome of masculine forces, and every female organism the product of feminine qualities. Therefore, a male soul cannot be born into the world under the cover of a female form. Neither can a female soul be ushered upon the planes of humanity imprisoned within the masculine body. These are Nature’s simple facts, which ought to be apparent to every thinking mind. But it seems that such is not the case, for we are seriously informed by certain theosophical writers that during the various incarnations of the human soul within the human form, man may incarnate in the form of a woman, and vice versa. We can only say that such unutterable nonsense is almost beneath the notice of any sane mind, and those who make such ridiculous assertions are not only bound to the external plane of appearances, but are completely ignorant of the true light of Occult Science.
It often transpires that we find men who appear to possess true feminine natures, and women who seem to be masculine in temperament, but this is not really the case. It is only an appearance caused by the combined influence of pre-natal conditions, and stellar positions at birth. The Buddhist conception of man and woman rounding out until sex becomes obliterated, is probably the most transcendental delusion that ever originated within the oriental brain; therefore, we will take no further notice of such mystical folly.
The human form, as male and female, is the material culmination of Nature’s sexual expression. Upon this plane she can go no further, for beyond this limit we step within the spaces of the ether where Nature continues her wonderful expression of sex in strict harmony with the laws of correspondence to the planes below. While dealing with the forms assumed by man, we must briefly notice those vital secretions which form the physical conditions for re-production of his kind. The seminal fluids are the most ethereal of all physical secretions, and contain the very quintessence of human nature. The sexual organism exists as a factor in procreation, therefore, the organs have their proper functions and use or they would not be present. To suddenly and completely suppress their natural functions will do a great deal of physical and spiritual harm, because the reaction will create violent discord within the ethereal constitution. In fact, the complete suppression is almost as bad as excessive use or lustful indulgence. It is only one of the two extremes, nothing more. When the sexual organism is evolved above the physical plane of its manifestation, the seminal fluids are absorbed by the magnetic constitution and the etherealized atoms help to build up the spiritual body of man. But when this is not so these seminal germs, if not passed off amid the other secretions from the body, live and germinate a swarm of elemental lifeforms which rob the organism of a portion of its vitality.
To obey the laws of Nature is the only safe and sure road to evolve the spiritual senses of the soul, and one of these laws is the rightful union of the sexes. Celibacy in itself is not a natural state; it is purely artificial, because it ignores one of the principal elements of our being. Therefore, there is great spiritual danger in a celibate life, and nine tenths of the mystical manias and spiritual saturnalia of past history have originated among celibates. It is well to remember this at the present day, as there is some considerable danger of history repeating itself.
Celibacy, as a quick means of artificially stimulating and producing certain so-called spiritual powers and mediumistic states, is a successful method, so far as mere psychological results are concerned, but one that is fraught with terrible danger. It is a method that should be discouraged in all cases wherein the spiritual constitution of the organism is in a negative condition. Under the most favorable circumstances it is a very questionable practice unless the spiritual nature is sufficiently active to absorb and use the etherealized atoms of the seminal fluid which has become dematerialized by the magnetic activities of Occult training.
Any species of “forcing” the attributes of the soul, renders their manifestations weak and unhealthy, hence liable to error and delusion. It is upon this basis that we account for the spiritual absurdities of many oriental mystics. Their severe asceticism renders them the unsuspecting prey of every imaginable species of Occult delusion. Celibacy, then, must only take place when the animal nature has been evolved so far upward toward the higher principles, that the sexual propensities are susceptible of extending their vibrations to a higher plane of action. In this case, celibacy becomes an absolute necessity of further Occult progress. Herein, we see once more the paradox of truth. Upon one plane it becomes a delusion and a snare, but upon a higher plane it contains all the elements of a glorious truth. Consequently no being, human or divine, can lay down any hard and fast line to guide the various processes of spiritual development. Each organism requires a system that is peculiar to itself, each soul a training specially adapted to the plane it occupies. From this it will be seen that nothing more than the general principles of Occult training can be given. From such outlines each must adapt such rules and exercises as are applicable to him as he learns from self study and practice. And only those who are themselves spiritually enlightened can see the true state of the soul and, physician-like, scientifically, prescribe for its various disorders.
When we regard the mystical ramifications of sex as represented in the universal creation of suns, stars, moons and planets, we see the same principles at work throughout every department of their being, even to their shape and the form of their orbit. The suns are masculine, and represent the cosmic male spirit. The planets are feminine, and consequently become the fruitful wombs of progressive life. The moons are neither the one nor the other; they are the conflicting offspring of disturbing forces within the sun and its planet. They are the lowest organic expression of planetary life, and as such represent the state of the hermaphrodite. So, both in man and in the universe, the potentialities of sex swing the mighty pendulum of thought and motion.
The grand object which the divine Ego seeks to realize in the evolution of the human soul, is the complete differentiation of its latent attributes. The soul must become the expression of both its qualities, and must express the true nature of the biune spirit; hence male and female evolution is the outcome. Each soul rounds out and completes, so to say, its own section of the Ego, and in doing this it becomes individualized as a complete expression of one ray of the divine idea, hence it has a perfect identity with its source. Both male and female complete the whole, and are related to each other as Osiris and Isis; brother and sister; their individuality, in the form of their spiritual identity, is forever preserved, and their united as well as their separate consciousness becomes an attribute of their glorious immortality. Without sex there cannot be eternal life, and to absorb or destroy these principles in the human organism brings about a divorce between man and his divinity, and thus robs conscious humanity of its deathless immortality.
IV. The Mystery of Isis
The human organism, in its more interior sense, is the mystical uterus of Isis, (that is, the human organism is the uterus of Nature), ever pregnant with the Holy Ghost, (the incarnated soul), which, when the period of gestation is completed, (the cycle of evolution), shall give birth to the Son of God, whose kingdom is not of this earth, but of Heaven (this means, the soul which has attained its immortality, is a Son of God, etc., whose future state of being is the boundless realm of Spirit.) I and the Father are one, meaning that the human Ego is but an atom of the Father, is not the same idea as the more interior state of Adeptship or being at one with God. This at-one-ment is the mystical Atonement of the Christ (Spirit) within the human soul, (you are at peace with your spiritual conscience.) These ideas if meditated upon, will reveal unto you the whole mystery of Christ and the immaculate conception. The idea of the human organism being the mystical womb of Nature, was the cause of the Ancient Priests of the sanctuary elaborating the magnificent funerals, the fremation of the Hindoo, the Greek and Roman rites, and embalming of the Egyptians. It was the most important ceremony of Ancient times, because the most mystically important and the most sublime rite that the soul can pass, from matter to spirit, or “back to the Father’s home.”
From the Phallic symbolism of ancient sex-worship, through the dual power of love and hatred, lust and brutality, the same law holds true. Sex is the great primal law of Nature, both visible and invisible, objective and subjective. The powers of love and hatred in man, are feminine and masculine. The man or woman who cannot love is an inhuman monster; there is nothing human about them, except the outward physical form of humanity, which is but the lambs clothing that ill conceals the ravenous wolf within. It is only the truly human that can truly love, and in loving let their souls transcend all lower passions. Lust is not love. Lust is the animal or passional appetite, with nothing human about it, and woe be to those whose love cannot rise above the plane of lust.
The deliberate use of so-called “CHECKS” against conception, is a fearful crime, and should never, under any circumstances, be resorted to. The vital germ-seeds so wasted will not leave you, but, like famished vampires, they will germinate within the odyllic soul-sphere. Your cruel act has separated the Divine spark from them; only the animal portion remains, and they become the spiritual elementaries of your own creation, who, like parasites will suck your life away.
If you are not perfectly confident and certain that your sexual passions are pure and respond only to that one whose soul-affinity you possess, then at once and forever debar the passion completely, and lead a life of celibacy, for the soul cannot evolve healthy psychic powers where the tainted mildew of either lust or an impure life is allowed to remain. If psychic powers are developed in such a state, they are abnormal and impure, mere spiritual fungi of the soul, more tender than hothouse plants, because they are forced and reared under artificial conditions and, consequently, liable to wither and die upon exposure to the first blighting currents of the Astral light, when disastrous results always follow.
Read, mark, learn and inwardly digest these great fundamental truths. There is no middle course for the Neophyte who aims at the practical realization of the occult powers of his soul. It is either heaven and the ultimate glories of eternal progression, or it is hell and ruination, with the terrible surroundings of the Black Magician and almost a certainty of final extinction in the elementary spheres of the soul-worlds.
True it is, that so-called spiritual gifts do not depend upon moral purity, but the utility of these attributes do; hence, avoid the curse of (irresponsible) mediumship. Trust to no controlling spirit guide. ALWAYS remain the complete master of your own organism at any cost. Once you submit to hypnosis or any control, it is difficult to free yourself, and the more often you submit the weaker you become until you are no longer able to make any decision for yourself, you have been robbed of all will power. You have become a helpless tool and must do as you arc told. The modern spiritualistic seances, or spirit circles, are often, very often, nothing but steaming hotbeds of vice and spiritual impurity. Not all are such; far from it, but only the sacred family circle at home with kindred souls, whose blameless lives and moral purity form an impassable bairier to either elemental or elementary, is spiritual intercourse safe. There, and there only, can Spiritualists obtain anything worth knowing or be free from danger.
We now approach a most sacred subject and one the most vital to both man and woman, because it deals with the fundamental principles of their being, and explains how, through the magical attraction of human passions, they may become the unconscious instrument of untold evil by launching upon an already over-suffering humanity, cruel monsters in human form.
There arc many spiritualistic teachers who assert that nothing exists in Nature but the human, but God forbid that we should accept as human that which is yet animal. The occultists cannot afford time to moralize upon the mysterious laws of Nature, He knows that such laws exist, and that alone concerns him. The teachers conception of that which constitutes good and evil, morality and immorality, is not the standard the occultist can accept for one moment.
In the first place it must be understood that the offspring of the average of human beings, under average conditions, will be quite human, and more or less intellectual according to the accidental conditions that surround their prenatal state. But parents of small spirituality and under the dominant influence of the animal passions, are to be considered as below the average of mankind. It is chiefly of this class we shall speak.
In the second place, it must be known that there are vast realms and races of beings existing in, on and around our planet who are invisible to most people. These beings are neither elementary nor elemental spirits, but aireal beings, possessing a very powerful affinity to man. There are seven grades of them corresponding with the seven planetary states, and, consequently, corresponding with the seven great divisions of the human race. It is this class of beings that can and do become incarnated in the human organism. The class of persons who most frequently are the means of incarnating these beings are those of large animal propensity and small spirituality. The conditions are generally sexual intercourse when the male is in a state of intoxication or both may be so. When thus inflamed with drink, lust and other vile passions and thoughts, there is no possible chance for anything human. When conception takes place under these conditions, an inhuman soul is the result. It is from such unions as these that the inhuman Neros and Nana Sahibs of history originated. Remember, that social position or artificial education, cannot alter the natural result. People of this class are numerous, from the highest to the lowest, and “dope” addicts are under the same laws and penalty.
The second class of individuals who may be the means of such incarnations are nervous, sensitive people, who are actually obsessed by elementaries during sexual union, because, by such obsessions, the elementaries seem to realize and enjoy the excitement of their lustful passions. In all such cases inhuman incarnation is the result. Should conception take place under these conditions, the only remedy these people have is to abstain completely, or prevent, by the moral purity of their lives, the possibility of elementary obsession. And lastly, a woman may, during the period of gestation, magnetically attach an evil being to her otherwise human child, who will obsess it completely during life, and doubtless lead it to the scaffold or asylum. This magnetic attachment is caused by some sudden, extreme exercise of her passions.
Enough has now been said to enable the thoughtful student to see the great mystery of sex, completely. He now knows the use and abuse of sex; understands how to become the parent of good, noble, intellectual human souls for his family and how to avoid causing the production of monsters.
Continuing the same laws, we now leave the physical and enter the spiritual or magnetic states of being and find sex still remains the supreme law. That same principle which manifests itself as parental instinct and ferocious passion in the animal; and as affection and lust, jealousy and hatred in the human; blooms out into its own pure state in the Angelic or celestial condition, as Love and Wisdom, in this most interior state. Its attributes in all exterior states of angelic or spiritual existence are intuition and reason, the feminine and masculine qualities of each human soul.
Magnetism is of two kinds, viz.; animal and mineral, and each kind is dual, or male and female, positive and negative. It is the Astral fluid containing the properties of the body with which it is connected; hence, sex always predominates the very soul-force of Nature, because it is through the agency of this Astral fluid that all the various phenomena are produced, it is the actual cause of every effect in both the material and spiritual planes of existence. This force is the indispensable agent of every Adept, Magician or Mesmerizer, and the cause of all magnetic and occult phenomena. It pervades every atom of the vast universe and all of life including planets and stars are subject to this double law of sex, action and repose. Just as night rests humanity from the day’s activity, does this force restore the equilibrium of the spiritual and cosmic planes of Nature.
The magnetic and Astral fluid is androgyne or bi-sexual, (exactly like the human soul) because equilibrium is but the resultant of two forces eternally re-acting upon each other, this is life. When these two forces expand and remain so long inactive as to equal each other and come to complete rest, the condition is death. The same soul-force, in the hands of the expert magician, has control over life and death, for, if the magician wills a thing and his will is sufficiently strong, that thing is done, this is the positive action. Mediumship is the reverse, the negative or passive, it is the feminine which receives.
Now we come to the last mystery of the Grade of Eros. It is the climax of the potential powers of sex, and embraces all the previous teachings in the recognition of the human organism, as the grand mystical uterus of Nature. It is the sacred Yoni of the glorious Isis, the Universal Mother. It is this mystery that explains the immaculate conception of the Christ child, or Divine human within us. It is the immortal soul begotten of the Father, enclosed or incarnated in the flesh, (the human organism.)
The Virgin Womb, which shall give birth to the immortal Son of God, when the period of gestation (human incarnation in or on this material plane) is completed. This period of gestation is, of course, the great cycle of necessity; for, “except ye be born again ye cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Certainly not. The human soul, while incarnated in the physical organism, is within the womb of Nature and it is only when its full time has elapsed, and it has gained its immortality, that it is re-born into the realm of spirit. It has burst the bonds of flesh and blood; escaped from its mother’s womb, the uterus of Nature, and is free again.
And now, dear reader, that we have finished our chapter on sex; can you spare the time to close the book and calmly, quietly and seriously contemplate on what sex really means?
Let your soul rise as high as possible, in pure, holy thoughts; thinking only of that mysterious something in life which is able to develop beautiful, fragrant flowers; delicious, luscious fruit and nourishing grain foods; all from tiny seeds placed in the ground.
How this is accomplished is far beyond our understanding. Yet, men and women are high above the products of the soil, the birds, the fish and the animal kingdom. We have freedom of thought and action, and should keep out of the mire. If we honestly desire the good, noble things of life, we can live as we think and thus help to make a glorious heaven here on earth; a real, sincere, friendly brotherhood of men and women; free of greedy, selfish and immoral strife and ill will toward each other. Why not try for it?
Truly, this is the eternal prayer of all upright men and women, to have peace and harmony here on earth