The wise man will not go where he is not wanted, nor be so blindly foolish as to attend the funeral of his own joy. He knows the sensitive, delicate value of woman too well. It is only the idiot who is brute enough to intrude his lust by right upon an unwilling wife. He cannot realize that she is not ready, and, consequently, is totally unable to respond to the embrace, or give pleasure. He cares not, and, therefore, obtains nothing but a mechanical union, devoid of all magnetic flow. He becomes disgusted with her, whom his lust has turned into a dead passive instrument, and, in the end creates a train of diseases that medical skill in vain tries to master.
Our daily news, continually, reports all sorts of vicious crimes against God and man. Throughout the whole of this loathsome sphere are numerous races of spiritual beings; many of them possessing the highest forms of cunning and intelligence possible to the animal plane. It is these creatures; who are neither elementals nor elementaries, but treacherous beings; who produce the greatest portion of the suffering and misery which afflicts humanity. The time has now come when certain facts in regard to this orb of evil are for the first time given out to the world “pro bono publico.”
Beethoven’s involvement in Freemasonry and its ideals pointed the way for a new view of music. The impact of such a trend cannot be underestimated. In the history of music, it is one of the most direct and significant catalysts in many aspects of the following era, the Romantic Movement. Indeed, the context in which this phenomenon of deepening and spiritualizing the art of music for its own sake can be more usefully viewed within the larger context of the modernization of the Western world.
Hermetic initiates assert that karma is not the primary law of consequences and destiny. It is not an active principle, always at work, re-adjusting Nature’s ridiculous mistakes. Nature never yet made a mistake. On the contrary, karma is shown to be a result; the subjective outcome of innumerable laws and forces, and in this life it is utterly powerless to effect either good or evil, so far as our destiny is concerned upon the external plane. But, upon the interior plane, that is, upon or within the astral sphere of the disembodied soul world, this karma becomes the Book of Life from which all our actions in this world are judged.
From the Phallic symbolism of ancient sex-worship, through the dual power of love and hatred, lust and brutality, the same law holds true. Sex is the great primal law of Nature, both visible and invisible, objective and subjective. The powers of love and hatred in man, are feminine and masculine. The man or woman who cannot love is an inhuman monster; there is nothing human about them, except the outward physical form of humanity, which is but the lambs clothing that ill conceals the ravenous wolf within. It is only the truly human that can truly love, and in loving let their souls transcend all lower passions. Lust is not love. Lust is the animal or passional appetite, with nothing human about it, and woe be to those whose love cannot rise above the plane of lust.