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Thirty-Five Centuries Ago 1

In 1923–29, thirty-three miles north of Vero, in Melbourne, Florida, another such association of human remains and extinct animals was found, “a remarkably rich assemblage of animal bones, many of which represent species which became extinct at or after the close of the Pleistocene [Ice Age] epoch.” The discoverer, J. W. Gidley, of the United States National Museum, established unequivocally that in Melbourne – as in Vero – the human bones were of the same stratum and in the same state of fossilization as the bones of the extinct animals. And again human artifacts were found with the bones… But these conclusions require that the Ice Age ended only twenty-five to thirty-nine centuries ago.

The Diamond Conspiracy 2

“‘Diamonds are as precious and unique today as they were when worn by princes and kings,’ according to De Beers’ promotion. To believe this requires a certain amount of mental agility, since there are now an estimated 500 million carats of gems in the hands of the public. This accumulated stock – the ‘overhang’ – is equivalent to about fifty times annual gem production. It must at all costs be prevented from becoming supply and interfering with the delicately crafted market. De Beers’ role as the arch-manipulator and sustainer of the diamond market makes secrecy essential. Above all, the group has to be able to hide the true size of its diamond stocks, particularly when times are hard.” – South Africa Inc. (1988)

The Great Year 3

Early thinkers, especially those of pre-Hellenic and early classical Greece, devised the concept of cyclical world history, which, because it postulated a succession of different ages, again involved the idea of great spans of time. These, though of vague durations, were usually stated in terms indicating an antiquity far greater than the 1,656 and 2,342 year dates obtained by biblical studies. This doctrine was followed by, and probably led to the development of, that of the cyclical Great Year, championed by Empedocles and the Pythagorean philosophers of ancient Greece. The doctrine itself was apparently based upon earlier Chaldean teachings which advocated that the Universe, though eternal, undergoes cyclical destruction from either fire or water at lengthy but irregular intervals.

Life, Liberty & Property 4

“Although secret societies were very well organized and funded in early America, a formidable force arose to oppose them and quietly challenge their control of the developing nation. This force was the spiritual zeal of the Christian colonists.”

Shakespeare & Bacon 5

“If one man can be singled out as the person most responsible for the colonization of America, the honor would certainly fall to the head of both Masonry and Rosicrucianism of his era, Sir Francis Bacon. in the early 1600’s Bacon authored a novel entitled New Atlantis, which laid out the idea for a utopian society across the ocean from Europe where mankind could build a new civilization based upon the principles he believed to be those of the legendary lost continent of Atlantis.”

Critias 6

“Let me begin by observing first of all, that nine thousand was the sum of years which had elapsed since the war which was said to have taken place between those who dwelt outside the pillars of Heracles and all who dwelt within them; this war I am going to describe. Of the combatants on the one side, the city of Athens was reported to have been the leader and to have fought out the war; the combatants on the other side were commanded by the kings of Atlantis.” – Plato (360 BCE)

East & West 7

“Our planet rotates from west to east. Has it always done so? In this rotation from west to east, the sun is seen to rise in the east and set in the west. Was the east the primeval and only place of the sunrise? There is testimony from all parts of the world that the side which is now turned toward the evening once faced the morning. Curiously enough, the cause of such perturbation is revealed in beliefs like that of the people of Flanders in Belgium. where the peasants say, on seeing a comet: ‘The sky is going to fall; the earth is turning over!'” – Immanuel Velikovsky (1950)

The Study of Cycles 8

“The main manifestation of solar activity is the appearance of sunspots: powerful magnetic poles, they act as true particle accelerators. Electrons and positive ions projected to the surface of the earth are thus the cause of various electromagnetic disturbances which are capable of periodically influencing meteorology, crops, epidemics, crowd psychology, and consequently the course of history.” – Guy Beaujouan (1961)

The Toronto Protocols 9

‘To end with certainty in the construction of a World Government, [A New Community World Order] where all the individuals, without exception, will be subjected to the “World State” of the “New Order”, we have to, first of all, remove the “Family” (what will entail, at the same moment, the disappearance of the ancestral religious teachings), and in the second place, level all the individuals by removing “Social classes”, in particular, “Middle classes”. But we have to proceed in such a way that all these changes appear as arising from the popular will; that they have the appearance of the “Democracy”.’ – Bread & Circus (1967)

What Holds Mankind Back from Confronting the Forces Determined to Destroy It? 10

“Today’s public enemy no. 1 – is a master of deception. Grasping this, means recognising that we have a new dimension to get to grips with in order to develop a strategy able to lay bare this deception and to explode its psychological hold over the better part of humanity. This can only be done by those who possess the foresight and awareness which enables them to identify the behaviour patterns and motivations common to the chief operatives behind the process of human enslavement. It includes recognising the main causal elements behind the mass hypnosis of humanity. The inducing of a state of mind (and being) which leads good people ‘not to act’ when everything around them instinctively demands taking immediate action.

On further scrutinising this dire state of affairs, it becomes apparent that there is something jamming the broader survival instinct of a great swathe of the human population.”

Report from Iron Mountain 11

“War is not, as is widely assumed, primarily an instrument of policy utilized by nations to extend or defend their expressed political values or their economic interests. On the contrary, it is itself the principal basis of organization on which all modern societies are constructed. The substance of this document may be even more unsettling than its conclusions. For instance: that most medical advances are viewed more as problems than as progress; or that poverty is necessary and desirable; or that standing armies are, among other things social-welfare institutions in exactly the same sense as are old-people’s homes and mental hospitals; or that the probable explanation of “flying saucer” incidents is disposed of in less than a sentence; and that the space program and the controversial antimissile missile and fallout shelter programs are understood to have the spending of vast sums of money, not the advancement of science or national defense, as their principal goals, and that “military” draft policies are only remotely concerned with defense.”

Time & Portents 12

“Despite modern assertions to the contrary, the ancient astronomers were not so simple as to believe that time moves in circles with identical situations repeating themselves like a non-stop variety show. The movement was considered rather as a spiral. Neither was it thought that men were inescapably at the mercy of the gods, for although divine power was not denied, it was possible by recognising the nature of each deity to become aware of the consequences which might be anticipated during his season of sovereignty, and to adjust accordingly. Trivial omens give warning of trivial events, but the momentous historical events that attend the birth of a greater cycle in time are preceded by phenomena of a portentous nature, through which the least observant can scarcely fail to become aware of impending change.” – John Michell (1972)

The Number 666 13

“[The number] 666 has been the subject of more comment and speculation than any other cabalistic number, principally on account of the last verse of Revelation 13. In the Greek text the number is spelt in letters, χξς’ or 600, 60, 6. The prophetic quality in these words has thrilled the imagination of readers throughout the age. The meaning they bear is remarkable and not easy to understand, for the mystical language of numerology has long been moribund. However, by reference to the ancient canon of the Temple, it is possible to acquire some knowledge of its vocabulary and grammar, which may not unreasonably be applied to the further understanding of prophetic works in which this language was used.” – John Michell (1972)

Earth Changes 14

“The ancient Atlantean texts, have their own predictions about what will occur regarding Earth changes in the next few years. There are also predictions about socioeconomic changes. As I mentioned earlier, they were the ‘heaviest’, most frightening things I ever read at the time. Later, I came to realize the benefit, the need. And now, I welcome some of the cleansing Earth changes, while I am still heavy of heart about the suffering they will bring.” – Jon Peniel (1991)

Sustainable is Code for Genocide 15

“So once more in history a few of us are screaming of pending Genocide, to a world that is mostly deaf, actually worse than deaf. Dismissive with the ignorant reframe, people have actually been taught by the media and the Globalist Fascists, “It’s a conspiracy theory” usually accompanied by a slight chuckle which is meant on one hand to put the person giving the warning down, but also holds just a slight nervous twinge that the person providing the warning may be correct. These people do not even understand that they have been taught the, “conspiracy theory”, reply, They are robots, it was a reframe and cover up invented by the US CIA in the 1960s.

The Globalists and their Malthusian, Flying Monkey Greens are anti-human, anti-God, they want to reduce the Global population down from 7 billion people, to 1 billion people. Through a range of methods much of which they have already put in train. To see the future all you need do now is follow the trend to an obvious conclusion.”

Comets & Dragons 16

The comet that is known today as 2P/Encke has been visiting us for at least the past 20-30 millenia. With an orbital period of a mere 3.3 years, and a close approach every 33 years, I have to wonder whether the significance of this number in masonic-hermetic lore is in any way connected with this comet. There is much evidence linking this comet (and its companions) to previous events in our solar system and in mythology and I will here, for the first time (so far as I can tell) present evidence that a catastrophic encounter with Comet 2P/Encke is described in the Book of Revelation.

Perfectum Venemum 17

Vaccines, Parasites & Ivermectin. Trypanasoma is a microscopic parasite which has numerous non-specific symptoms, is seldom tested for and if left untreated is almost always fatal within a few years of infection. These factors combined with a long onset period – which makes it difficult to retrospectively ascertain the source of infection – would make this seem to be a perfect bioweapon. All that is needed is a suitable intravenous delivery mechanism…

The Occulted Keys of Wisdom 18

‘If the word government literally means “to control the mind”, wouldn’t learning how to control your own mind negate the opportunity for external government? You see, it is the simple act of asking questions, which illustrates the Achilles’ heel of the control system; you can condition animals, but if humans ask questions, they can learn their way to freedom. If you want to free your mind, you first have to come to understand the process by which words were used to program and control your mind in the first place; thereby you will have the ability to re-write the programming in your own image.’

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars 19

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, An Introduction Programming Manual was uncovered quite by accident on July 7, 1986 when an employee of Boeing Aircraft Co. purchased a surplus IBM copier for scrap parts at a sale, and discovered inside details of a plan, hatched in the embryonic days of the “Cold War” which called for control of the masses through manipulation of industry, peoples’ pastimes, education and political leanings. It called for a quiet revolution, putting brother against brother, and diverting the public’s attention from what is really going on.

The Perfect Storm 20

What do ancient mythologies, secret societies, religious texts, pandemics, geoengineering, cosmology and catastrophism hold in common? They all contain warnings of, or are preparations for, the “Great Reset” (not Klaus Schwab’s paperweight with an appropriated title).

The Fauci Dossier 21

There is no virus. There never was. There is a chain of patents and money which present strong evidence of collusion to reduce the global population with extreme prejudice. They are not vaccines – they are bioweapons. When we start to call it what it is, then all of the ridiculous and illegal mandates and actions make sense. They have infiltrated governments, judiciaries and legislatures. Where there is a felony, all contracts are void and the perpetrators forfeit protection from liability.

COVID-19 Vaccine Ingredients 22

On 20 August 2021 Dr. Robert Young published his team’s findings after analysing the four dominant COVID-19 “vaccines” using Phase Contrast Microscopy, Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy. Their findings both confirm and expand upon the prior investigations carried our by Dr. Pablo Campra (University of Almeria, Spain) and Dr. Juan F. Gastón Añaños (Hospital de Barbastro, Spain). These findings are summarised in this article.

Deagel 2025 Forecast 23

“The Deagel corporation is a minor branch of US military intelligence, one of the many secretive organizations which collects data for high-level decision-making purposes and prepares confidential briefing documents for agencies like the National Security Agency, the United Nations, and the World Bank. It is known, for example, to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. With this kind of pedigree, Deagel should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely a disinformation asset.

If so, then it must be assumed that its population predictions for 2025, as well as its industrial output predictions on a nation-by-nation basis, are based on strategic assumptions which are shared and well understood by other players in the intelligence community.”

Truth does not waver ever, only our perception does, and it is our moral obligation to align our perceptions with truth so that our gained wisdom can manifest itself as moral right action. – refletdumonde

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