As the Earth spun, the Mediterranean Sea, that cradle of ancient tales, became a beast unchained. The Strait of Gibraltar, gateway to the Atlantic, slammed shut as the crust buckled, trapping the sea in a prison of land. The waters, driven by the planet’s sudden tilt, surged forth in a monstrous wave, 50 to 100 meters high, racing at 120 meters per second—faster than the swiftest eagle. Half the sea, 1.85 million cubic kilometers, broke free, pouring over the Sahara with a force that tore away the sands and stones of ages past.
The conventional narrative of Earth’s history — a gradual, uniform progression spanning 4.5 billion years — may be the greatest scientific misconception of our time. This is not merely an academic concern; it fundamentally alters our understanding of human history, the development of civilization, and our place in the cosmos. If the true timeline of Earth has been compressed by catastrophic events, then humanity’s journey may be far more tumultuous — and recent — than we have been led to believe.
“Modern science, with its sophisticated instruments and vast datasets, has begun to reveal patterns that our ancestors knew well. We have discovered that our solar system is not the clockwork model of perfect stability that we once imagined, but a dynamic system of interacting forces. The Sun’s activity follows cycles within cycles. The planets move in harmonic resonances that can build and diminish over time. And at the heart of our own world, the massive iron core holds secrets we are only beginning to understand.”
Entropy, far from being purely destructive, is a creative force that drives systems to optimize energy dissipation through resonance. This insight suggests that periodic reorganizations—whether in Earth’s systems or in the cosmos—are not anomalies but essential aspects of a self-regulating universe.
The JUNS Orbital Cycle (Jupiter-Uranus-Neptune-Saturn) has a grand period of ~4627 years before all four repeat their dance. The 4/5 harmonic of this period is ~3702 years. If we look back through time, we find something quite remarkable every 3.7ka, going back not to the YDB, but one more cycle to the start of the Bølling–Allerød Interstadial 14.8ky before the present.
“Jutting out of the canyon wall, almost immediately overhead, was the forward portion of a large and very ancient vessel. A curved stem head swept up from its prow. Along both sides of the vessel were clearly discernible circular marks in the wood, quite possibly left by shields which at one time had been attached to the vessel. Mrs. Botts is not sure what kind of an ancient ship she and her husband, and an old prospector, saw in the desert canyon. It could have been
Phoenician, or it could have been Roman, but she feels that it was Viking.”
“When, therefore, the earth, covered with mud from the recent flood, became heated up by the hot and genial rays of the sun, she brought forth innumerable forms of life, in part of ancient shapes, and – in part creatures new and strange.” – Ovid, Metamorphoses
In July 1947 a Swedish deep-sea expedition left Göteborg on the Albatross for a fifteen-month journey around the world to investigate the bottom of the seas on the seventeen thousand miles of the ship’s course with the help of a newly constructed vacuum core sampler. In the sediment that covers the rocky bottom of the oceans the expedition found, in the words of its leader, H.Pettersson, director of the Oceanographic Institute at Göteborg, “evidence of great catastrophes that have altered the face of the earth.”
“The end of Bretton Woods allowed for an unprecedented ability to manage systemic shocks, including those potentially arising from geomagnetic and planetary cycles. While this connection remains speculative, the timing of the dollar’s decoupling and the NMDP’s acceleration suggests a deeper interrelation between human systems and Earth’s dynamic processes. Could this flexibility be a necessary adaptation for navigating a period of intensified geophysical upheaval?”
“It is accepted that the geomagnetic field resembles that of a dipole (or bar magnet) located at the earth’s center. This theoretical representation accounts for about 90% of the geomagnetic field and provides geophysicists with the familiar diagram showing magnetic lines of force exiting one polar region and entering the other. This neat portrait of the geomagnetic field is marred in practice by several important anomalies that cast doubt upon the almost universally accepted view that the geomagnetic field is a product of dynamo action.”
In 1923–29, thirty-three miles north of Vero, in Melbourne, Florida, another such association of human remains and extinct animals was found, “a remarkably rich assemblage of animal bones, many of which represent species which became extinct at or after the close of the Pleistocene [Ice Age] epoch.” The discoverer, J. W. Gidley, of the United States National Museum, established unequivocally that in Melbourne – as in Vero – the human bones were of the same stratum and in the same state of fossilization as the bones of the extinct animals. And again human artifacts were found with the bones… But these conclusions require that the Ice Age ended only twenty-five to thirty-nine centuries ago.
“The main manifestation of solar activity is the appearance of sunspots: powerful magnetic poles, they act as true particle accelerators. Electrons and positive ions projected to the surface of the earth are thus the cause of various electromagnetic disturbances which are capable of periodically influencing meteorology, crops, epidemics, crowd psychology, and consequently the course of history.” – Guy Beaujouan (1961)
“Today’s public enemy no. 1 – is a master of deception. Grasping this, means recognising that we have a new dimension to get to grips with in order to develop a strategy able to lay bare this deception and to explode its psychological hold over the better part of humanity. This can only be done by those who possess the foresight and awareness which enables them to identify the behaviour patterns and motivations common to the chief operatives behind the process of human enslavement. It includes recognising the main causal elements behind the mass hypnosis of humanity. The inducing of a state of mind (and being) which leads good people ‘not to act’ when everything around them instinctively demands taking immediate action.
On further scrutinising this dire state of affairs, it becomes apparent that there is something jamming the broader survival instinct of a great swathe of the human population.”
“War is not, as is widely assumed, primarily an instrument of policy utilized by nations to extend or defend their expressed political values or their economic interests. On the contrary, it is itself the principal basis of organization on which all modern societies are constructed. The substance of this document may be even more unsettling than its conclusions. For instance: that most medical advances are viewed more as problems than as progress; or that poverty is necessary and desirable; or that standing armies are, among other things social-welfare institutions in exactly the same sense as are old-people’s homes and mental hospitals; or that the probable explanation of “flying saucer” incidents is disposed of in less than a sentence; and that the space program and the controversial antimissile missile and fallout shelter programs are understood to have the spending of vast sums of money, not the advancement of science or national defense, as their principal goals, and that “military” draft policies are only remotely concerned with defense.”
“Despite modern assertions to the contrary, the ancient astronomers were not so simple as to believe that time moves in circles with identical situations repeating themselves like a non-stop variety show. The movement was considered rather as a spiral. Neither was it thought that men were inescapably at the mercy of the gods, for although divine power was not denied, it was possible by recognising the nature of each deity to become aware of the consequences which might be anticipated during his season of sovereignty, and to adjust accordingly. Trivial omens give warning of trivial events, but the momentous historical events that attend the birth of a greater cycle in time are preceded by phenomena of a portentous nature, through which the least observant can scarcely fail to become aware of impending change.” – John Michell (1972)
“The ancient Atlantean texts, have their own predictions about what will occur regarding Earth changes in the next few years. There are also predictions about socioeconomic changes. As I mentioned earlier, they were the ‘heaviest’, most frightening things I ever read at the time. Later, I came to realize the benefit, the need. And now, I welcome some of the cleansing Earth changes, while I am still heavy of heart about the suffering they will bring.” – Jon Peniel (1991)
The comet that is known today as 2P/Encke has been visiting us for at least the past 20-30 millenia. With an orbital period of a mere 3.3 years, and a close approach every 33 years, I have to wonder whether the significance of this number in masonic-hermetic lore is in any way connected with this comet. There is much evidence linking this comet (and its companions) to previous events in our solar system and in mythology and I will here, for the first time (so far as I can tell) present evidence that a catastrophic encounter with Comet 2P/Encke is described in the Book of Revelation.
Historical and geographical study of epidemics that affected the population of the Old World from the Stone Age to the present day shows that their development took place against the background of major anomalies in various geospheres. Obviously, an important role in the spread of pathogenic organisms was played by the situation of solar minima, which reveal a centuries-old cyclical repeatability. The last change in the periods of the 179-year and 1430-year cycles of the Solar system and the biosphere occurred in April 1990. The events of recent years and months follow a General pattern.
“Our sun goes berserk nine times a century. Nine times, for 2-3 years each time, it is seized with convulsions and paroxysms, and it sends high-energy fragments of atomic and nuclear decay – powerful photon and radio emissions – into space. Nine times a century, for 2-3 years each time, without exception, all phenomena on Earth – synchronously, in both dead and living kingdoms – undergoes a convulsive shudder: terrible downpours, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, landslides, volcanic activity, auroras, magnetic and electrical storms, devastating thunderstorms and the fires they cause in forests, steppes and cities.” – Alexander Chizhevsky
The people’s world today is like a machine with a million gears, and every tooth on every gear is calculated to drive us into a collective dependent mindless herd with an automatic response to authority. Awakened, good, honest people with a completely different definition and understanding of morality and reality compared to the sociopath globalists will become the main definition of terrorists in the future. I think if only 1% of the world population had the means to wake up to the truth, it would cause a ripple effect. And that tipping point would cause globalist crooks and politicians to start feeding upon each other instead of the people of the world as they have always done generation after generation.
More than three-quarters of all instances of human unrest—battles, upheavals, riots, revolutions, and wars—occur during the periods of the maximum number of sunspots in the Sun… So powerful is this cosmic zeitgeber that it may even influence our physical size, our longevity, our mental stability, our propensity to violence, and possibly even what we consider our uniquely individual motivation.
Somewhere between Darwinian evolutionary dogma, good-old-boy peer reviews, and powerful sub rosa occult societies, a decision was made to eliminate æther from mainstream science and replace it with space as a vacuum while scalar waves and the rest of Tesla’s work and that of Maxwell and E.T. Whittaker were suppressed.
The musica universalis (literally universal music), also called music of the spheres or harmony of the spheres, is a philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies – the Sun, Moon, and planets – as a form of music. The music of life and death.
“At one of the scientific meetings that Major White attended in the Pentagon in early 1948, the scientists discussed the advisability of alerting the public to the pending polar-flip phenomenon. None of the scientists would agree to withhold the information from the public; but, on the other hand, neither could they agree on how to release it. The knowledge of this phenomenon, some felt, could in itself destroy the moral fiber of society…
Although the next polar flip could commence at any moment, until our governments and scientific institutions begin to seriously study this phenomenon and take the appropriate actions to prepare for global change; it appears that prayer is the only thing we have going for us.”
– Ken White, World in Peril (1994)
Cataclysms affect us in every conceivable way imaginable. They leave nothing untouched. The years oncoming toward a cataclysm affect us in ways totally different from the years following a cataclysm. So few survive – far less than one percent of all life – that each who survives lives to tell a unique tale, whether survival was by planning and intent or by sheer luck. I suppose we could call the years leading to a cataclysm the precursor. It is most fitting to devote some time to the precursor; there are definite signs of our traversing into it through the past few years.
Why does influenza become a worldwide pandemic at times? This paper suggests some new observations. First, there is a remarkable relationship between influenza pandemics and the cosmic ray environment. Second, there is an excellent correlation between influenza pandemics and bright novae and Nova λ Car. In addition, we propose four indices to predict future influenza pandemics. Using one of these indices we successfully predicted the influenza epidemic in 1984.
“The next coming reset may be the largest and most important of all and is often referred to as the Plasma Apocalypse or Pole Shift. Plasma is the fourth state of matter which is the basis for the other three states -gas (air), liquid, and solid. It is found in its pure state between worlds or creations, and has the nature of gas or water, but is electromagnetic in nature. It is the force that creates and destroys worlds (Shiva), and will play a key role in these End Times (end of Kali Yuga), when this world or age is dissolved and a new one created.” – Brian Austin Lambert
“…democracy as we knew it has been silently cancelled, and that although the appearance of democratic processes is being maintained in our countries, the fact is that an examination of how governance around the world works today shows that an elite of super-wealthy and powerful individuals effectively control everything that goes on in politics, as has been especially evident in relation to the pandemic response.
The best way to combat their designs.. is simply to educate people about what is happening, and for them to realize that the narrative of the “super-dangerous virus” is a lie that has been designed to manipulate them into accepting things that run contrary to their own interests. If even 10% of ordinary citizens become aware of this and decide to take action, it could thwart the elite’s plans…”
“Do we have to change all the laws and rules that govern us? Probably. There is much that can be changed. Do we need to change the genetic code? Maybe also to make sure that we get better as human beings, and can be more responsible, a little more compassionate, a little more empathetic. …the history of humanity is a language translation of the living being, into an object, into an artefact, gradually. We are supplemented with prostheses, and then the prostheses come into us, and we gradually become ourselves without realising it. Our genetic code itself… We are very capable of creating vaccines that will protect this code, improve it, and defend it against viruses, and that is how it should be. ”
– Jacques Attali, July 2021
Natural cycles, particularly lunar, solar and cosmic cycles, are the occulted knowledge which has granted those who hold it extraordinary control over the minds of humankind. Foreknowledge of seasons, eclipses and cataclysms was perhaps the first form of mass mind control employed by both the church and the state.