As the Earth spun, the Mediterranean Sea, that cradle of ancient tales, became a beast unchained. The Strait of Gibraltar, gateway to the Atlantic, slammed shut as the crust buckled, trapping the sea in a prison of land. The waters, driven by the planet’s sudden tilt, surged forth in a monstrous wave, 50 to 100 meters high, racing at 120 meters per second—faster than the swiftest eagle. Half the sea, 1.85 million cubic kilometers, broke free, pouring over the Sahara with a force that tore away the sands and stones of ages past.
The conventional narrative of Earth’s history — a gradual, uniform progression spanning 4.5 billion years — may be the greatest scientific misconception of our time. This is not merely an academic concern; it fundamentally alters our understanding of human history, the development of civilization, and our place in the cosmos. If the true timeline of Earth has been compressed by catastrophic events, then humanity’s journey may be far more tumultuous — and recent — than we have been led to believe.
“Modern science, with its sophisticated instruments and vast datasets, has begun to reveal patterns that our ancestors knew well. We have discovered that our solar system is not the clockwork model of perfect stability that we once imagined, but a dynamic system of interacting forces. The Sun’s activity follows cycles within cycles. The planets move in harmonic resonances that can build and diminish over time. And at the heart of our own world, the massive iron core holds secrets we are only beginning to understand.”
Entropy, under Vernadsky’s lens, emerges not as the destroyer other frameworks assume but as the experiential gradient through which consciousness innovates. This synthesis reveals entropy only as the creative tax of universal becoming. By collapsing possibilities into actualities, humanity transforms entropy into a tool of meaning-making, reshaping the lithosphere into a logosphere where matter becomes information, and existence becomes novelty.
Entropy, far from being purely destructive, is a creative force that drives systems to optimize energy dissipation through resonance. This insight suggests that periodic reorganizations—whether in Earth’s systems or in the cosmos—are not anomalies but essential aspects of a self-regulating universe.
“This paper introduces The Pyramid as a potential countermeasure to the catastrophic event known as Exothermic Core-Mantle Decoupling and Dzhanibekov Oscillation (ECDO). The theory posits that the Earth’s core could undergo a significant decoupling event, leading to dramatic shifts in magnetic and rotational axes, which might result in global geological disruptions and major catastrophe. The proposed Pyramid solution leverages electromagnetic principles based on Energy Wave Theory (EWT) and modern geophysical understanding to mitigate or prevent the impacts of an ECDO event.” – P.S. Hernandez
“The Great Pyramid of Giza and its potential to manipulate energy has historically, been relegated to the realm of speculative mystery. Multiple “conspiracy theories”, sometimes illogical, sometimes eerily consistent but still, relegated to near oblivion, have been developed around it. Yet, in 2025, a dawn of an era when human understanding now rapidly begins to evolve in rebellion, one must ask: Why has the serious exploration of the Pyramid’s potential to interact with electromagnetic fields been so remarkably overlooked?” – P.S.Hernandez
The JUNS Orbital Cycle (Jupiter-Uranus-Neptune-Saturn) has a grand period of ~4627 years before all four repeat their dance. The 4/5 harmonic of this period is ~3702 years. If we look back through time, we find something quite remarkable every 3.7ka, going back not to the YDB, but one more cycle to the start of the Bølling–Allerød Interstadial 14.8ky before the present.
“This Manifesto is not an attack but a counterblast. We, persons who have understood that we are born on a highly dynamic planet that tumbles and gyrates and spirals through a highly dynamic universe, have been calumniated, cold-shouldered, blacklisted, denied research funding, refused publication space, and chased out of jobs by sectarians who took power at the universities around 1860, sectarians as dogmatic and repressive as their christian predecessors, and who tried – and continue trying – to describe the world as static as they can. And to enforce consensus, they continue using ad-hominem arguments, their “common sense”, the anonymous peer-review censorship system, and the medieval Occam’s razor, long since rusted and blunt.” – Han Kloosterman
A collection of more than 250 flood stories from various cultures and locations around the world, as compiled by Mark Isaak between 1996 and 2002.
Mohenjo-daro was one of the great cities of the ancient world. Along with its sister city, Harappa, 350 miles to the northeast, it dominated the Indus Valley between 2600 and 1900 B.C. During this period, Mohenjo-daro and Harappa were probably the largest cities in the world. In translation, Mohenjo-daro means “Hill of the Dead.” Strangely for a city that once housed perhaps 40,000 souls in its heyday, only about three dozen skeletons have been found in the ruins. Even more strangely, most of the skeletons were discovered laying unburied in contorted poses.
“The earth itself was beginning to lose its shape. Already the stars were coming adrift from the sky and falling into the gaping void. They were like swallows, weary from too long a voyage, who drop and sink into the waves. The giant Surt set the entire earth on fire; the universe was no longer more than an immense furnace. Flames spurted from fissures in the rocks; everywhere there was the hissing of steam. All living things, all plant life, were blotted out. Only the naked soil remained, but like the sky itself the earth was no more than cracks and crevasses.”
“Apparently the coal was not formed in the ways described. Forests burned, a hurricane uprooted them, and a tidal wave or succession of tidal waves coming from the sea fell upon the charred and splintered trees and swept them into great heaps, tossed by billows, and covered them with marine sand, pebbles and shells, and weeds and fishes; another tide deposited on top of the sand more carbonized logs, threw them in other heaps, and again covered them with marine sediment. The heated ground metamorphosed the charred wood into coal, and if the wood or the ground where it was buried was drenched in a bituminous outpouring, bituminous coal was formed. Wet leaves sometimes survived the forest fires and, swept into the same heaps of logs and sand, left their design on the coal. Thus it is that seams of coal are covered with marine sediment; for that reason also a seam may bifurcate and have marine deposits between its branches.”
Die Flutsagen (Legends of the Deluge) is a curated assemblage of mythology, geology and archaeology from a wide variety of sources. A work in progress which will be updated as additional material is translated, processed and included.
“Jutting out of the canyon wall, almost immediately overhead, was the forward portion of a large and very ancient vessel. A curved stem head swept up from its prow. Along both sides of the vessel were clearly discernible circular marks in the wood, quite possibly left by shields which at one time had been attached to the vessel. Mrs. Botts is not sure what kind of an ancient ship she and her husband, and an old prospector, saw in the desert canyon. It could have been
Phoenician, or it could have been Roman, but she feels that it was Viking.”
“When, therefore, the earth, covered with mud from the recent flood, became heated up by the hot and genial rays of the sun, she brought forth innumerable forms of life, in part of ancient shapes, and – in part creatures new and strange.” – Ovid, Metamorphoses
In July 1947 a Swedish deep-sea expedition left Göteborg on the Albatross for a fifteen-month journey around the world to investigate the bottom of the seas on the seventeen thousand miles of the ship’s course with the help of a newly constructed vacuum core sampler. In the sediment that covers the rocky bottom of the oceans the expedition found, in the words of its leader, H.Pettersson, director of the Oceanographic Institute at Göteborg, “evidence of great catastrophes that have altered the face of the earth.”
“The end of Bretton Woods allowed for an unprecedented ability to manage systemic shocks, including those potentially arising from geomagnetic and planetary cycles. While this connection remains speculative, the timing of the dollar’s decoupling and the NMDP’s acceleration suggests a deeper interrelation between human systems and Earth’s dynamic processes. Could this flexibility be a necessary adaptation for navigating a period of intensified geophysical upheaval?”
“It is accepted that the geomagnetic field resembles that of a dipole (or bar magnet) located at the earth’s center. This theoretical representation accounts for about 90% of the geomagnetic field and provides geophysicists with the familiar diagram showing magnetic lines of force exiting one polar region and entering the other. This neat portrait of the geomagnetic field is marred in practice by several important anomalies that cast doubt upon the almost universally accepted view that the geomagnetic field is a product of dynamo action.”
“When the fated day of deluge comes, after what fashion will the earth for the most part be over whelmed by the waves? Will it be by the strength of Ocean and the rise of the outer sea against us? Or will the rain descend uninterruptedly, and will summer be cut out of the year while persistent winter bursts its clouds and pours down endless masses of water? Or will earth herself open new reservoirs and shed forth rivers more abundantly? Or will a single cause be insufficient to produce such a catastrophe, and all the methods conspire together, the rains descending and the river floods rising, and the seas hurrying in hot haste from their place all agencies in concert bent upon the one aim, the destruction of the human race? The last is the truth.” – Seneca (65 AD)
“Could erosion have swept whole continents clean? And where did all these sediments go? Mainstream science believes that its armory of fossil succession, radiometric dating, and episodic erosion and sedimentation, caused by changing sea levels and the rising and subsiding of land are more than sufficent. It is a matter of opinion whether these accepted processes can cope with the sheer number and magnitudes of the gaps in the Stratigraphic Record.”
“Between 3 and 15 November each year, the Earth runs through a meteor stream coming from a small area in the constellation of Taurus the bull. The Beta Taurids come in between 24 June and 6 July with a sharp peak on 30 June each year. The orbits of these daytime Taurids match those of the southern Taurids closely. This unique complex of debris is undoubtedly the greatest collision hazard facing the Earth at the present time. It is likely that hundreds of thousands of bodies, each capable of yielding a multi-megaton explosion on Earth, are orbiting within the stream.”
“It is 7.17 am. Eastern Standard Time, on the thirtieth of June 1994. Suddenly the power fails. The basement centre of the Defense Communication Operations Unit adjoining the White House is plunged into darkness, and only the distant rumble of early morning traffic reminds the duty officer that another day has already begun. There have been power failures before, however, and there is no hint of impending crisis.”
“The biblical narrative and the archaeological finds at Jericho point to the same pattern of events. The archaeological evidence implies a plague, followed shortly by earthquake activity and the total destruction of the city by burning. The biblical narrative gives the same sequence a plague in the Jericho region, followed not long after by what may readily be interpreted as at least two instances of seismic activity (the first stopping the Jordan, the second destroying the city walls), followed by conquest of the city and its eventual destruction by fire.”
In 1923–29, thirty-three miles north of Vero, in Melbourne, Florida, another such association of human remains and extinct animals was found, “a remarkably rich assemblage of animal bones, many of which represent species which became extinct at or after the close of the Pleistocene [Ice Age] epoch.” The discoverer, J. W. Gidley, of the United States National Museum, established unequivocally that in Melbourne – as in Vero – the human bones were of the same stratum and in the same state of fossilization as the bones of the extinct animals. And again human artifacts were found with the bones… But these conclusions require that the Ice Age ended only twenty-five to thirty-nine centuries ago.
“‘Diamonds are as precious and unique today as they were when worn by princes and kings,’ according to De Beers’ promotion. To believe this requires a certain amount of mental agility, since there are now an estimated 500 million carats of gems in the hands of the public. This accumulated stock – the ‘overhang’ – is equivalent to about fifty times annual gem production. It must at all costs be prevented from becoming supply and interfering with the delicately crafted market. De Beers’ role as the arch-manipulator and sustainer of the diamond market makes secrecy essential. Above all, the group has to be able to hide the true size of its diamond stocks, particularly when times are hard.” – South Africa Inc. (1988)
Early thinkers, especially those of pre-Hellenic and early classical Greece, devised the concept of cyclical world history, which, because it postulated a succession of different ages, again involved the idea of great spans of time. These, though of vague durations, were usually stated in terms indicating an antiquity far greater than the 1,656 and 2,342 year dates obtained by biblical studies. This doctrine was followed by, and probably led to the development of, that of the cyclical Great Year, championed by Empedocles and the Pythagorean philosophers of ancient Greece. The doctrine itself was apparently based upon earlier Chaldean teachings which advocated that the Universe, though eternal, undergoes cyclical destruction from either fire or water at lengthy but irregular intervals.
“Although secret societies were very well organized and funded in early America, a formidable force arose to oppose them and quietly challenge their control of the developing nation. This force was the spiritual zeal of the Christian colonists.”
“If one man can be singled out as the person most responsible for the colonization of America, the honor would certainly fall to the head of both Masonry and Rosicrucianism of his era, Sir Francis Bacon. in the early 1600’s Bacon authored a novel entitled New Atlantis, which laid out the idea for a utopian society across the ocean from Europe where mankind could build a new civilization based upon the principles he believed to be those of the legendary lost continent of Atlantis.”