“‘Every state is founded on force,’ said Trotsky. That is indeed right. If no social institutions existed which knew the use of violence, then the concept of state would be eliminated, and a condition would emerge that could be designated as anarchy, in the specific sense of this word. Of course, force is certainly not the normal or the only means of the state, but force is a means specific to the state. We have to say that today a state is a human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory.” – Max Weber (1918)
“So once more in history a few of us are screaming of pending Genocide, to a world that is mostly deaf, actually worse than deaf. Dismissive with the ignorant reframe, people have actually been taught by the media and the Globalist Fascists, “It’s a conspiracy theory” usually accompanied by a slight chuckle which is meant on one hand to put the person giving the warning down, but also holds just a slight nervous twinge that the person providing the warning may be correct. These people do not even understand that they have been taught the, “conspiracy theory”, reply, They are robots, it was a reframe and cover up invented by the US CIA in the 1960s.
The Globalists and their Malthusian, Flying Monkey Greens are anti-human, anti-God, they want to reduce the Global population down from 7 billion people, to 1 billion people. Through a range of methods much of which they have already put in train. To see the future all you need do now is follow the trend to an obvious conclusion.”
The comet that is known today as 2P/Encke has been visiting us for at least the past 20-30 millenia. With an orbital period of a mere 3.3 years, and a close approach every 33 years, I have to wonder whether the significance of this number in masonic-hermetic lore is in any way connected with this comet. There is much evidence linking this comet (and its companions) to previous events in our solar system and in mythology and I will here, for the first time (so far as I can tell) present evidence that a catastrophic encounter with Comet 2P/Encke is described in the Book of Revelation.
“The hypothesis of the explosion of a number of planets and moons of our solar system during its 4.6-billion-year history is in excellent accord with all known observational constraints, even without adjustable parameters. Many of its boldest predictions have been fulfilled. In most instances, these predictions were judged highly unlikely by the several standard models the Exploded Planet Hypothesis would replace. And in several cases, the entire model was at risk to be falsified if the prediction failed.”
Vaccines, Parasites & Ivermectin. Trypanasoma is a microscopic parasite which has numerous non-specific symptoms, is seldom tested for and if left untreated is almost always fatal within a few years of infection. These factors combined with a long onset period – which makes it difficult to retrospectively ascertain the source of infection – would make this seem to be a perfect bioweapon. All that is needed is a suitable intravenous delivery mechanism…
“Unlike PSYOP, MindWar has nothing to do with deception or even with “selected” – and therefore misleading – truth. Rather it states a whole truth that, if it does not now exist, will be forced into existence by the will of the United States.
For the mind to believe in its own decisions, it must feel that it made those decisions without coercion. Coercive measures used by the MindWar operative, consequently, must not be detectable by ordinary means. There is no need to resort to mind-weakening drugs such as those explored by the CIA; In fact the exposure of a single such method would do unacceptable damage to MindWar’s reputation for truth.”
“The sad fact is that although sex, drugs, dancing, and drumbeating are believed to release a lot of gnosis, Satanists believe that sacrifices release more of it than anything else. Such are the dark and sordid machinations of the deluded souls who think their gnosis accumulations and illumination will give them some form of deity or immortality.”
Historical and geographical study of epidemics that affected the population of the Old World from the Stone Age to the present day shows that their development took place against the background of major anomalies in various geospheres. Obviously, an important role in the spread of pathogenic organisms was played by the situation of solar minima, which reveal a centuries-old cyclical repeatability. The last change in the periods of the 179-year and 1430-year cycles of the Solar system and the biosphere occurred in April 1990. The events of recent years and months follow a General pattern.
“Our sun goes berserk nine times a century. Nine times, for 2-3 years each time, it is seized with convulsions and paroxysms, and it sends high-energy fragments of atomic and nuclear decay – powerful photon and radio emissions – into space. Nine times a century, for 2-3 years each time, without exception, all phenomena on Earth – synchronously, in both dead and living kingdoms – undergoes a convulsive shudder: terrible downpours, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, storms, earthquakes, landslides, volcanic activity, auroras, magnetic and electrical storms, devastating thunderstorms and the fires they cause in forests, steppes and cities.” – Alexander Chizhevsky
To get an accurate understanding of the development of spiritual ideas, we need to view Gnosticism as an identifiable spiritual tradition which transcends the accepted divisions into regional religions. Those who embrace Gnosticism and have been born into a Jewish culture tend to remain within their national tradition and become Jewish Gnostics, while those born elsewhere tend to become Muslim Gnostics, and so on. But all Gnostics need to be understood as essentially parts of one evolving tradition, whatever their race or culture.
“Hardly had the swine flu campaign been completed than the reports of the casualties began to pour in. Within a few months, claims totalling $1.3 billion had been filed by victims who had suffered paralysis from the swine flu vaccine. The medical authorities proved equal to the challenge; they leaped to the defense of the Medical Monopoly by labeling the new epidemic, “Guillain-Barre Syndrome.” There have since been increasing speculations that the ensuing epidemic of AIDS which began shortly after Gerald Ford’s public assurances, was merely a viral variation of the swine flu vaccine.”
‘If the word government literally means “to control the mind”, wouldn’t learning how to control your own mind negate the opportunity for external government? You see, it is the simple act of asking questions, which illustrates the Achilles’ heel of the control system; you can condition animals, but if humans ask questions, they can learn their way to freedom. If you want to free your mind, you first have to come to understand the process by which words were used to program and control your mind in the first place; thereby you will have the ability to re-write the programming in your own image.’
It does not matter what you believe. If THEY believe it, you will be affected because they have the power. The New World Order will eliminate the population threat in several ways. Complete control of individual behavior may be established using electronic or chemical implants. No one will be allowed to have a child without permission; stiff penalties wait for those who ignore the law. The violent, the old, the infirm, the handicapped, and the unproductive will be killed. Private property will be abolished. Since religion helped to create the population problem, it will not be tolerated except for the approved state-controlled religion which will evolve according to man’s needs.
“The institution of religion exists only to keep mankind in order, and to make men merit the goodness of God by their virtue. Everything in a religion which does not tend toward this goal must be considered alien or dangerous.” – More than any of the other philosophes, Voltaire has been identified as the archenemy of supernatural religion. These selections are principally from his Philosophical Dictionary (1764)
“The emblematical meaning of the Sun is well known to the enlightened and inquisitive Free-Mason; and as the real Sun is situated in the center of the universe, so the emblematical Sun is the center of real Masonry. We all know that the Sun is the fountain of light, the source of the seasons, the cause of the vicissitudes of day and night, the parent of vegetation, the friend of man; hence the scientific Free-Mason only knows the reason why the Sun is placed in the center of this beautiful hall.” – Thomas Paine (1808)
“It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime. He takes up the trade of a priest for the sake of gain, and, in order to qualify himself for that trade, he begins with a perjury. Can we conceive anything more destructive to morality than this?” – Thomas Paine (1794)
“Enlightenment is man’s release from his self-incurred tutelage. Tutelage is man’s inability to make use of his understanding without direction from another. Self-incurred is this tutelage when its cause lies not in lack of reason but in lack of resolution and courage to use it without direction from another. Laziness and cowardice are the reasons why so great a portion of mankind, after nature has long since discharged them from external direction, nevertheless remains under lifelong tutelage, and why it is so easy for others to set themselves up as their guardians. I need not think, if I can only pay – others will easily undertake the irksome work for me.” – Immanuel Kant (1784)
“Racism is simply a tool, a very necessary part of a several decades old plan to achieve cultural and socioeconomic dislocation in America for a reason, and that reason is control. Just like all the empty promises, fake cuts, budget spin, and political stunts that BOTH political parties use to make it look like they are serving their constituents it’s all smoke and mirrors for the globalist plan.
So where is all this heading? Once we have a one world government creating endless wars will no longer work for the globalists to keep control, so the notion of equality & racism are now being used for eventual control where war has always failed. History and current events clearly expose how racism/equality has proven to be an incredibly efficient political weapon, and take note, as a weapon, they are as old as government itself.” – Jeff Chiacchieri (2017)
The people’s world today is like a machine with a million gears, and every tooth on every gear is calculated to drive us into a collective dependent mindless herd with an automatic response to authority. Awakened, good, honest people with a completely different definition and understanding of morality and reality compared to the sociopath globalists will become the main definition of terrorists in the future. I think if only 1% of the world population had the means to wake up to the truth, it would cause a ripple effect. And that tipping point would cause globalist crooks and politicians to start feeding upon each other instead of the people of the world as they have always done generation after generation.
We perceive in the near future, as has been repeatedly foretold the end of a cycle is at hand in Cataclysmic results; the sinking of land some places; and the rising in others, is imminent. When cities peculiarly situated are crowded with inhabitants, who have lost everything but their own desires centering in selfish purpose, their thought vibrations become inharmonious with the universal thought vibrations. If this disharmony continues strong enough to communicate itself to the ground upon which the city stands, this foundation being subject also, to a set of vibrations upon the natural plane of Liquidity, serious consequences may occur.
More than three-quarters of all instances of human unrest—battles, upheavals, riots, revolutions, and wars—occur during the periods of the maximum number of sunspots in the Sun… So powerful is this cosmic zeitgeber that it may even influence our physical size, our longevity, our mental stability, our propensity to violence, and possibly even what we consider our uniquely individual motivation.
Our daily news, continually, reports all sorts of vicious crimes against God and man. Throughout the whole of this loathsome sphere are numerous races of spiritual beings; many of them possessing the highest forms of cunning and intelligence possible to the animal plane. It is these creatures; who are neither elementals nor elementaries, but treacherous beings; who produce the greatest portion of the suffering and misery which afflicts humanity. The time has now come when certain facts in regard to this orb of evil are for the first time given out to the world “pro bono publico.”
Beethoven’s involvement in Freemasonry and its ideals pointed the way for a new view of music. The impact of such a trend cannot be underestimated. In the history of music, it is one of the most direct and significant catalysts in many aspects of the following era, the Romantic Movement. Indeed, the context in which this phenomenon of deepening and spiritualizing the art of music for its own sake can be more usefully viewed within the larger context of the modernization of the Western world.
Hermetic initiates assert that karma is not the primary law of consequences and destiny. It is not an active principle, always at work, re-adjusting Nature’s ridiculous mistakes. Nature never yet made a mistake. On the contrary, karma is shown to be a result; the subjective outcome of innumerable laws and forces, and in this life it is utterly powerless to effect either good or evil, so far as our destiny is concerned upon the external plane. But, upon the interior plane, that is, upon or within the astral sphere of the disembodied soul world, this karma becomes the Book of Life from which all our actions in this world are judged.
From the Phallic symbolism of ancient sex-worship, through the dual power of love and hatred, lust and brutality, the same law holds true. Sex is the great primal law of Nature, both visible and invisible, objective and subjective. The powers of love and hatred in man, are feminine and masculine. The man or woman who cannot love is an inhuman monster; there is nothing human about them, except the outward physical form of humanity, which is but the lambs clothing that ill conceals the ravenous wolf within. It is only the truly human that can truly love, and in loving let their souls transcend all lower passions. Lust is not love. Lust is the animal or passional appetite, with nothing human about it, and woe be to those whose love cannot rise above the plane of lust.
The walls of the mighty Babylon and the eight-volved Tower of Babel or cloud-encompassed Bel were never constructed to resist any mortal foe. NO. Those city walls, which were 60 miles in circumference, 200 feet high, 578 feet thick, were not made to defy the strength of armies, but to resist the fearful forces of Nature, the floods that swept the plains of Shinar, from the mountains of Armenia, every spring during this Age of Horror. The tremendous embankments and river walls constructed by the Ancients are monuments of human skill and enterprise belonging to an epoch that antedates by thousands of years the Age of their supposed builders.
“…the aim of public education is not to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence. … Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim … is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States… and that is its aim everywhere else.” – H.L Mencken (1924)
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, An Introduction Programming Manual was uncovered quite by accident on July 7, 1986 when an employee of Boeing Aircraft Co. purchased a surplus IBM copier for scrap parts at a sale, and discovered inside details of a plan, hatched in the embryonic days of the “Cold War” which called for control of the masses through manipulation of industry, peoples’ pastimes, education and political leanings. It called for a quiet revolution, putting brother against brother, and diverting the public’s attention from what is really going on.
“Voting is the most violent act someone can commit in their lifetime. This little noted anomaly about voting is directly related to the modern conception of the State as an entity deriving its grant of authority to act from the consent of the governed. The aura of legitimacy surrounding the government’s actions is enhanced by the perceived role of voting as an expression of the “people’s will”. Whether non-threatening or violent, the authority for each and every one of the government’s actions is presumed to flow from the consent of the people through the electoral process. School children are told this from their earliest years. The idea the State derives its power to act from the consent of the people sounds romantic. Few people, however, are aware that by definition the State’s power is for the specific purpose of engaging in acts of violence. No grant of power is necessary for anyone, or any organization to act peacefully.” – Hans Sherrer (1999)
The musica universalis (literally universal music), also called music of the spheres or harmony of the spheres, is a philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies – the Sun, Moon, and planets – as a form of music. The music of life and death.