“Hardly had the swine flu campaign been completed than the reports of the casualties began to pour in. Within a few months, claims totalling $1.3 billion had been filed by victims who had suffered paralysis from the swine flu vaccine. The medical authorities proved equal to the challenge; they leaped to the defense of the Medical Monopoly by labeling the new epidemic, “Guillain-Barre Syndrome.” There have since been increasing speculations that the ensuing epidemic of AIDS which began shortly after Gerald Ford’s public assurances, was merely a viral variation of the swine flu vaccine.”
It does not matter what you believe. If THEY believe it, you will be affected because they have the power. The New World Order will eliminate the population threat in several ways. Complete control of individual behavior may be established using electronic or chemical implants. No one will be allowed to have a child without permission; stiff penalties wait for those who ignore the law. The violent, the old, the infirm, the handicapped, and the unproductive will be killed. Private property will be abolished. Since religion helped to create the population problem, it will not be tolerated except for the approved state-controlled religion which will evolve according to man’s needs.
More than three-quarters of all instances of human unrest—battles, upheavals, riots, revolutions, and wars—occur during the periods of the maximum number of sunspots in the Sun… So powerful is this cosmic zeitgeber that it may even influence our physical size, our longevity, our mental stability, our propensity to violence, and possibly even what we consider our uniquely individual motivation.
Somewhere between Darwinian evolutionary dogma, good-old-boy peer reviews, and powerful sub rosa occult societies, a decision was made to eliminate æther from mainstream science and replace it with space as a vacuum while scalar waves and the rest of Tesla’s work and that of Maxwell and E.T. Whittaker were suppressed.
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, An Introduction Programming Manual was uncovered quite by accident on July 7, 1986 when an employee of Boeing Aircraft Co. purchased a surplus IBM copier for scrap parts at a sale, and discovered inside details of a plan, hatched in the embryonic days of the “Cold War” which called for control of the masses through manipulation of industry, peoples’ pastimes, education and political leanings. It called for a quiet revolution, putting brother against brother, and diverting the public’s attention from what is really going on.
The musica universalis (literally universal music), also called music of the spheres or harmony of the spheres, is a philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies – the Sun, Moon, and planets – as a form of music. The music of life and death.
In 1905 physics genius Nikola Tesla submitted his US patent 787,412 which describes “The Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy Through the Natural Mediums”, and includes a design for a series of worldwide generators. It is beyond doubt this patent led to the construction of the “Omega” network of radio transmitters erected around the world between 1963 and 1982, officially for the purpose of global navigation, though navigation is the least important function of the Omega network.
“At one of the scientific meetings that Major White attended in the Pentagon in early 1948, the scientists discussed the advisability of alerting the public to the pending polar-flip phenomenon. None of the scientists would agree to withhold the information from the public; but, on the other hand, neither could they agree on how to release it. The knowledge of this phenomenon, some felt, could in itself destroy the moral fiber of society…
Although the next polar flip could commence at any moment, until our governments and scientific institutions begin to seriously study this phenomenon and take the appropriate actions to prepare for global change; it appears that prayer is the only thing we have going for us.”
– Ken White, World in Peril (1994)
If ever there were a controversy in the world of science, it is in the subject of evolution. Even the name creates angry reaction in some scientists when it is called The Theory of Evolution. In each and every field of science, there is a strong standard of procedure known as The Scientific Process. It is the one standard procedure common to all sciences wherein research is necessary to establish a scientific law. These stages constitute a scientific order of procedure utilized to establish that scientific law.
The order today is not the primeval order; it was established less than twenty-seven centuries ago. Numerous evidences are preserved which prove that prior to the year of 365¼ days, the year was only 360 days long. All around the globe the years following -687 saw activity directed toward reforming the calendar. Between -747 and -687 the calendar was in a chaotic state, the length of the year and of the month, and probably also of the day, repeatedly changing. Before the eighth century there was a comparatively long span of time when the year had 360 days and the lunar month consisted of almost exactly thirty days.
What do ancient mythologies, secret societies, religious texts, pandemics, geoengineering, cosmology and catastrophism hold in common? They all contain warnings of, or are preparations for, the “Great Reset” (not Klaus Schwab’s paperweight with an appropriated title).
The sun’s photosphere is often mistakenly referred to as the surface of the sun. In reality however, the sun’s photosphere is only a “liquid-like” plasma double layer made of mostly neon which covers the actual surface of the sun. That bright visible layer that we see with our eyes is composed of penumbral filaments that are several hundred kilometers deep. This visible neon plasma layer that we call the photosphere, and a thicker, more dense atmospheric layer composed of silicon plasma, entirely covers the actual rocky, calcium ferrite surface layer of the sun.
The World Health Organization has suddenly gone from crying “The sky is falling!” like a cackling Chicken Little to squealing like a stuck pig. The reason: charges that the agency deliberately fomented swine flu hysteria. “The world is going through a real pandemic. The description of it as a fake is wrong and irresponsible,” the agency claims on its Web site. A WHO spokesman declined to specify who or what gave this “description,” but the primary accuser is hard to ignore.
Why does influenza become a worldwide pandemic at times? This paper suggests some new observations. First, there is a remarkable relationship between influenza pandemics and the cosmic ray environment. Second, there is an excellent correlation between influenza pandemics and bright novae and Nova λ Car. In addition, we propose four indices to predict future influenza pandemics. Using one of these indices we successfully predicted the influenza epidemic in 1984.
If most people knew what a virus actually is and the germ theory scam, no-one who’s alive and sane today would fall for what governments and the mainstream media have been reporting in the last few months on cases and “deaths” all around the world; false reports that underpin the subsequent political and legal decisions which include medical martial law, surveillance and governmental emergency powers. One thing they know and are confident, even cocky about, is that that fear sells. But only if we buy it.
“The next coming reset may be the largest and most important of all and is often referred to as the Plasma Apocalypse or Pole Shift. Plasma is the fourth state of matter which is the basis for the other three states -gas (air), liquid, and solid. It is found in its pure state between worlds or creations, and has the nature of gas or water, but is electromagnetic in nature. It is the force that creates and destroys worlds (Shiva), and will play a key role in these End Times (end of Kali Yuga), when this world or age is dissolved and a new one created.” – Brian Austin Lambert
Elon Musk, perhaps without his knowledge, may be the ‘morally responsible’ sacrificial lamb for the current deployment of this technology against everybody on earth.
Robert Duncan poses that Musk’s commercial success with Neuralink will provide the globalists with their moral alibi for mass murdering children, undoubtedly by the hand of a concocted, rogue terrorist shadow-government militarizing commercial technology and turning it against the cattle. China would seem to be the likely patsy for this current chapter of ‘1984’.
Part 4 of 4 of Chan Thomas’ book, first published in 1963, is one of possibly hundreds which reference the topic of cataclysm theory. What sets it apart from most, if not all of its peers, is that the CIA at some point classified a work which was already in the public domain, and then released a sanitized version of it in 2013. The original text has been available since publication. Was this book “declassified” specifically to draw attention to the redacted material? By whom? For who’s attention? I don’t have the answers, but I’m sure that the Master Masons that built Denver International Airport and the Cheyenne Mountain Complex do.
This final installment of 4 parts includes the closing chapter of the original book and the “Aftermath” volume, an additional 85 pages which was published separately.
Part 3 of 4 of Chan Thomas’ book, first published in 1963, is one of possibly hundreds which reference the topic of cataclysm theory. What sets it apart from most, if not all of its peers, is that the CIA at some point classified a work which was already in the public domain, and then released a sanitized version of it in 2013. The original text has been available since publication. Was this book “declassified” specifically to draw attention to the redacted material? By whom? For who’s attention? I don’t have the answers, but I’m sure that the Master Masons that built Denver International Airport and the Cheyenne Mountain Complex do.
Part 3 is the material which was redacted from the CIA’s “sterilized” version. It details the evidence supporting Chan’s cataclysm theory and perhaps, most importantly, the mechanism and role of magneto-hydrodynamics therein. This may be what the Progeny of Jove have been preparing for for thousands of years – they believe the time is near. After reading this, I do as well.
Part 2 of 4. Chan Thomas’ book, first published in 1963, is one of possibly hundreds which reference the topic of cataclysm theory. What sets it apart from most, if not all of its peers, is that the CIA at some point classified a work which was already in the public domain, and then released a sanitized version of it in 2013. The original text has been available since publication. Was this book “declassified” specifically to draw attention to the redacted material? By whom? For who’s attention?
“From the first time I heard the story of the creation and Adam and Eve, it “buzzed” me, as my young son would say. Now, to me the answer was not simply one of two usual alternatives: either unquestioning faith in the story as it stands, or complete repudiation as utter nonsense. No, the answer seemed to lie elsewhere. If the story were taught as the truth so uniformly, in spite of its apparent divergence from scientific truths, then to me the true course would seem to be a search for the foundation of the story, which would then lead to a true reading of it.”
Part 1 of 4 of Chan Thomas’ book, first published in 1963, is one of possibly hundreds which reference the topic of cataclysm theory. What sets it apart from most, if not all of its peers, is that the CIA at some point classified a work which was already in the public domain, and then released a sanitized version of it in 2013. The original text has been available since publication. Was this book “declassified” specifically to draw attention to the redacted material? By whom? For who’s attention?
There is no virus. There never was. There is a chain of patents and money which present strong evidence of collusion to reduce the global population with extreme prejudice. They are not vaccines – they are bioweapons. When we start to call it what it is, then all of the ridiculous and illegal mandates and actions make sense. They have infiltrated governments, judiciaries and legislatures. Where there is a felony, all contracts are void and the perpetrators forfeit protection from liability.
This documentary explains in detail what filming techniques Kubrick used to fake the Apollo 11 moon landing. The second part shows how Kubrick used his movie ‘The Shining’ to reveal to the world the dark secret to the world about mission A11. They probably did land on the moon, but the films and pictures we have been shown – without doubt – have all been manufactured by the great director and artist of 2001 – A Space Odyssey. The evidence shown in this film is simply irrefutable. However, with his movie ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ Kubrick had gone too far and that’s why he had to be silenced forever. Under the masonic moon..
I have emailed this to 90 different members of the South African government, judiciary and mainstream media, and published it as an open letter.
Excerpt: “This open letter and accompanying summary document serve to bring to your attention the considerable (and growing) body of independent scientific research which has revealed many undisclosed ingredients and toxic contaminants contained in the the Pfizer/BionTech, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Janssen COVID-19 “vaccines” (and others). These undisclosed ingredients include, but are not limited to various metals, graphene oxide and one or more trypanosomiasis parasite species.”
“There are many comments on the July ‘revelations’ of Jacques Attali on the Internet. Most of them are: ‘the delirium of a madman’, ‘Attali has gone mad’, ‘intellectual frenzy’, ‘cannibalism covered with clever and beautiful words’ and ‘fascism in an intellectual wrapper.’ Any of these characteristics are perfectly accurate. Attali’s last ‘revelation’ should be taken very carefully – the ‘Possessed’ are preparing for a decisive move to seize power over the world.” – Valentin Katasanov (2021)
The Barbastro Hospital pharmacovigilance report revealed a statistically significant incidence of “COVID” deaths in patients who had received the Chiromas® flu shot. Wider investigation into medical records confirmed this trend, leading to the obvious conclusion that the vaccines were “iatrogenic”, and were a significant contributing factor to the COVID-19 attributed deaths.
This report suggests that various flu shots (and perhaps other medications) administered over the past several Influenza seasons may have been a vector for the first waves of “covid” deaths.
On 20 August 2021 Dr. Robert Young published his team’s findings after analysing the four dominant COVID-19 “vaccines” using Phase Contrast Microscopy, Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy and Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy. Their findings both confirm and expand upon the prior investigations carried our by Dr. Pablo Campra (University of Almeria, Spain) and Dr. Juan F. Gastón Añaños (Hospital de Barbastro, Spain). These findings are summarised in this article.
“The hive is the imitator cosmic intelligence and this is because that cosmic ego is always partial to the larger view of the whole and this is how “Satan” is simply testing and doing the work for “God” the original creative force, because no matter how much is achieved in these deceptive practices, all of these energies lead to self-destruction and self-annihilation at the face of the true overall harmony of existence. This is what we are witnessing now as this entity has sewn itself into time, forwards and back so as to put its damning curse upon all of creation that it has access to. Thus, when the final moment of self-annihilation comes, this entity seeks to take as many original beings as possible with it into the void of destruction and chaos.” – Aug Tellez (2017)
“Though officially tagged an “experiment”, none of those present had any doubt that this was merely a cosmetic cover for the gruesome operational work ahead. Each member had been carefully vetted and then vetted again by US Intelligence to ensure they had the “right stuff”, and were philosophically committed to two objectives.
First was the evolving need to control or eliminate political dissent by remote means in the run up to the 21st Century, and second was the need to stem or reverse massive population increases across the world, which threatened to overwhelm existing natural resources, especially water and food. Intrinsically this required a willingness to commit mass murder, and everyone present had passed this critical test with flying colours.”
“Do we have to change all the laws and rules that govern us? Probably. There is much that can be changed. Do we need to change the genetic code? Maybe also to make sure that we get better as human beings, and can be more responsible, a little more compassionate, a little more empathetic. …the history of humanity is a language translation of the living being, into an object, into an artefact, gradually. We are supplemented with prostheses, and then the prostheses come into us, and we gradually become ourselves without realising it. Our genetic code itself… We are very capable of creating vaccines that will protect this code, improve it, and defend it against viruses, and that is how it should be. ”
– Jacques Attali, July 2021